Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways
OverlayPlugin / OverlayPlugin
Forked from ngld/OverlayPluginYet another OverlayPlugin fork.
Environment in which the simulation of FF14 combat (with multiple people) is possible.
A System for creating 10-100+ player local games
Customisations to Cactbot's raidboss alerts and timeline
An ACT-OverlayPlugin skin set designed to assist Deep Dungeon runners with additional information during a run.
Splatoon plugin is an accessibility tool for Final Fantasy XIV. It provides a custom waymark system and allows to create infinite grouped waymarks, labels and actor indicators with pixel precision,…
emojifs is a FUSE filesystem that allows you to manipulate custom emojis on your various Slacks and Discords
Dalamud plugin to allow for macro-less use of mouseover actions.
One checkout from each of my old BitBucket repos.
ngld / OverlayPlugin
Forked from hibiyasleep/OverlayPluginYet another OverlayPlugin fork.
Modified version of FFXIV_ACT_Plugin to adapt Chinese version FFXIV client.
📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
An open-source randomizer for The Legend of Zelda (a.k.a. Z1)
A C# Application to install ACT, and multiple plugins, for Final Fantasy XIV. Based on
An ACT plugin for routing audio to discord
My scripts for compiling OverlayPlugin and bundling OverlayPlugin-Themes and Xtuaok's Enmity Plugin
Source for which helps people fish in Final Fantasy XIV.
GroundDB is a thin layer providing Meteor offline database and methods
quisquous / python-daemon
Forked from arnaudsj/python-daemonPython library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process. (Unofficial mirror of