- Hartman, Arkansas, United States
use-models Public
advanced form model hooks for your functional react components
log Public
Forked from quirkey/node-loggera simple logger for node.js
express-aglio Public
easily integrate aglio with express.
frigate Public
Forked from blakeblackshear/frigateNVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
cutiepi-shell Public
Forked from cutiepi-io/cutiepi-shellA mobile shell for Raspberry Pi OS
use-state-queue Public
queue state operations in functional components so that updates to hooks don't cause lost ui updates.
1 UpdatedOct 9, 2020 -
express-mongoose-helper Public
reduce overhead required to use mongoose with express.
react-models Public archive
decorate your components with convenience functions for wiring up state to your inputs.
mongoose-auto-increment-2 Public
yet another mongoose-auto-increment plugin
ng-util Public archive
tiny module, mammoth features for angular.js 1.6
express-map Public
cool routing/autoloading library for express.
RocketScroll Public
a fork of Stankos RocketScroll library.
tiny-relative-date Public
Forked from wildlyinaccurate/tiny-relative-dateTiny function that provides relative, human-readable dates.
RedBeanFVM Public
RedbeanFVM makes Filtering, Validating, and Generating RedBean Models easy.
express-seed Public
just a seed project for express
angular-vimeo-embed Public
Forked from vincenzomerolla/angular-vimeo-embedA simple AngularJS directive to embed Vimeo videos easily onto your website.
ez-framework Public
a rethought approach to responsive web design
OwlCarousel2 Public
Forked from OwlCarousel2/OwlCarousel2jQuery Responsive Carousel.
angular-owl-carousel-2 Public
Forked from emalikterzi/angular-owl-carousel-2Owl Carousel 2 Imp for angularjs
redbean Public
Forked from gabordemooij/redbeanORM layer that creates models, config and database on the fly
express-fileupload Public
Forked from richardgirges/express-fileuploadSimple express file upload middleware that wraps around connect-busboy
singl Public
create readable singleton modules easily using basic javascript syntax.
connect-redis Public
Forked from tj/connect-redisRedis session store for Connect
generator-keystone Public
Forked from keystonejs/generator-keystoneA KeystoneJS project generator for Yeoman
keystone Public
Forked from keystonejs/keystone-classicnode.js cms and web app framework
jqMVC Public
The jQuery MVC framework. (defunct/not maintained/needs rewrite)