It does what Godoesn't.
I am not reinventing the wheel, I am disrupting the wheel industry.
Free func_door included with every install!
Software library and tools for making the Tramway Drifting and Dungeon Exploration Simulator 2022 and similar applications.
It's meant to work sort of like Quake, GoldSrc or Source engines, but it uses polygonal soup instead of BSPs and supports level streaming.
- Polygonal soup graphics
- Non-hierarchical scene ordering
- Ambient lighting
- Lambertian reflection
- Light source attenuation
- Colored lights and surfaces
- Phong illumination
- Point lights
- Warn's lighting for directional lights
- Level streaming
- Allows use of Quake level editors to create level geometry
- Windows (XP SP3 or later)
- Linux
- Web browser (needs WebAssembly support)
- Graphics card (optional) that supports either:
- OpenGL 4.0
- WebGL 2.0 (for web builds)
- Direct3D 9.0
- Decent CPU (at least Pentium 4) if using software rendering
- Mouse and/or keyboard
- Will probably add controllers and other input devices later
- GCC/G++ 12.4.0 or MinGW/G++ 12.4.0
- Clang should work too
- Don't know about MSVC++
- If it supports C++20, it should work
- Python 3.8 for scripts
- Blender 2.83 for 3D model and animation exporters
More information can be found on the page.
FPS (source code /
Platformer (source code / / web demo)
Adventure (source code / / web demo)
Applets, i.e. GUI data editors
Level editor for editing worldcells
- Teapot explorer, main template project
- Pongpot (source code)
- (All examples)
Edit the settings found in maketool.ini
. Set the platform to WIN32 or WIN64,
depending on your compiler version.
If you compile dependencies yourself, place them in the /libraries/binaries/win32
or /libraries/binaries/win64
Set repository root as the working directory.
Run devtools/ generate
to generate a Makefile
Use make library && make clean
to compile the library.
Install Python interpreter, C++ compiler and OpenGL headers.
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libmesa-dev
Install dependencies.
sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev
sudo apt-get install libbullet-dev
sudo pat-get install libopenal-dev
sudo apt-get install liblua5.4-dev
These are the packages for Debian-based distributions, for other distributions check your package manager.
Download the source code.
git clone
vi maketool.ini
or nano maketool.ini
Edit the makefile generator's configuration. Set the compiler
to your g++
compiler and archiver
to your ar
program. Set platform
. Select
the modules which you will be using.
Review the configuration and generate the makefile.
chmod +x devtools/
devtools/ config
devtools/ generate
Then compile.
Header files and binaries (for MinGW x86/x86_64 and WebAssembly) included in libraries
Check /libraries/ for more information.
No code contributions accepted right now, but if you find a bug or have a suggestion, then you can open a github issue.
- Add logging to file
- Add different severities according to where the logs are sent to
- Fix Octree
- Write some unit tests
- Check what happens when point is put directly on plane or origin
- Sound table does not play if only one sound
- Put triangle definition into math.h
- And also switch triangle intersection thingy
- Add directional lights to lightmapper
- Improve GUI::Textbox
- Add cursor movement
- Add selection
- Add copy-pasting
- Allow lookup of all entities of a type
- We already have all entities registered in the ID hashmap
- All that we would need to do is modify hashmap to allow iteration
- Won't be used a lot, can be slow
- Add option to draw rendercomponent as lines
- Add option to draw staticwobjs as lines
- Add on_locked_use to button
- Add entity that shows messages in 3D space
- Python scripting
- Should allow accessing basic library functionality through Python.
- Probably should have OOP abstractions and stuff.
- Object Pascal data library
- A base that could be used for various GUI utilities in the future.
- Should allow parsing of various library text file formats.
- Also editing and saving.
- Project manager tool
- Should allow editing of all the various library text file formats.
- Should allow generation of new projects.
- Model conversion tools
- Leverage the free Assimp library to parse various 3D model formats.
- Convert said model formats to tram-sdk .stmdl and .dymdl formats.
- Perhaps write Blender importers in addition to existing exporters.
- Add a better disk abstraction
- File() should also open files that are located in compressed archives.
- Also should open and be able to write files through HTTP.
- Finish particles
- Steal ideas from various particle editors
- Finish sprites
- Make them not be distorted horizontally in the shader
- Occlusion/frustrum culling
- Add rotations to sprites
- Switch out all of the std::cout's to Log's
- Add some more asserts to the GUI system.
- Rewrite path following for the PhysicsComponent
- Implement navigation
- Add more rendering stuff
- Single drawlistthingy can be in multiple layers
- Layers have different cameras
- Add shear test
- Make the engine work without any files
- That means that it will run just fine without any files on the disk
- Fix animation scaling translation
- There's something weird going on if you both scale and translate in an animation
- Make Raycast that returns multiple points
- Input recording and playback
- AudioComponents can play more than 128 sounds at the same time
- Split animation into animation and StreamableAnimation
- Animations that need to be streamed in and later removed have their own keyframe pools
- Sprite batching
- Vertex animation
- 3D text component
- Tilemaps