Abstract common routing resource concerns to cut down on duplication.
rafaelfranca / nokogiri
Forked from sparklemotion/nokogiriNokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser with XPath and CSS selector support.
rafaelfranca / appraisal
Forked from thoughtbot/appraisalFind out what your Ruby gems are worth.
rafaelfranca / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
rafaelfranca / paperclip
Forked from thoughtbot/paperclipEasy file attachment management for ActiveRecord
rafaelfranca / Mercury
Forked from rodrigoflores/MercuryMarkdown To HTML in Erlang
rafaelfranca / strano
Forked from joelmoss/stranoCapistrano and Github sittin' in a tree...
rafaelfranca / hubot-scripts
Forked from github/hubot-scriptsoptional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
rafaelfranca / ruby-build
Forked from rbenv/ruby-buildCompile and install Ruby
rafaelfranca / elixir
Forked from elixir-lang/elixirA modern approach to programming for the Erlang VM
ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
rafaelfranca / will_paginate
Forked from mislav/will_paginatePagination library for Rails 3, Sinatra, Merb, DataMapper, and more
rafaelfranca / mongoid
Forked from mongodb/mongoidRuby ODM framework for MongoDB
rafaelfranca / medie
Forked from caelum/medieMedia type registry to use on client and servers. A media type registry that allows you to register handlers for marshalling and unmarshalling.
Organise Mongoid model into a tree structure
garbas / vim-snipmate
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
rafaelfranca / snipmate.vim
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
rafaelfranca / generate-vhosts
Forked from 53cr/generate-vhostsA quick hack to generate Apache VirtualHosts from yaml files. Very useful.
A collection of snippets for snipmate