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Azure DevOps allows creating custom extensions. As there are gaps in the documentation, I wrote my Learning Notes as I created this template.


This repository is my attempt to combine the best practices of these two code samples:

  1. azure-devops-extension-sample: the main samples repo using the latest Azure devops extensions SDK, and
  2. azure-devops-extension-hot-reload-and-debug: a way to locally debug changes (also see this blog post).

The key changes from merging these codes are:

  • used Hubs as sample extensions
  • changed dependency node-sass to sass
  • added the following scripts in package.json
"build": "npm run compile && npm run package",
"build:dev": "npm run compile:dev && npm run package:dev",
  • added --rev-version to tfx extension package and tfx extension publish scripts
  • removed sample unit testing code, please refer to samples if you want to add that back in.

Getting Started

Tips for updating extensions

  1. Version number should always be incremented on every update. This is done in the vss-extension.json file. When updating an extension, all organizations using the widgets will get the update.
  2. Additional folders should be added in the files node of vss-extension.json.
  3. Add different widget sizes in the supportedSizes node. (WARNING: If you remove an already supported size, the widget will fail to load properly.)
  4. Adding/changing extension scopes is not supported. Workaround is to remove the existing extension or upload into a new name.

How to package and publish extensions


  1. Install the packaging tool npm i -g tfx-cli
  2. Create a publisher profile in the Publishing Portal

CLI and Publishing Portal

  1. Create the extension with tfx extension create --manifest-globs vss-extension.json --output-path packages
  2. Upload the generated .vsix file in the Publishing Portal. (For uploading new extensions, shoose Azure DevOps)

CLI only

Publish and share in 1 command using tfx extension publish --manifest-globs your-manifest.json --share-with yourOrganization

Note on Widget Extensions

According to this and the fact that this is still open, it appears that using the old SDK is still better for creating Widgets. This is probably why there aren't any widget samples.

The method implemented in widget-hello is a workaround using the example from yunsii and combined with vss-widget.tsx from bworline. There may be other better ways to do this, but this works for now.

System Notes

This template was created using Windows 11 and VS Code, with the following installed

  • NodeJS v18.12.0 (installed using NVM)
  • webpack v5.75.0
  • webpack-cli v5.0.1
  • webpack-dev-server v4.11.1
  • typescript


It will be a delight to see other people contribute to this project. Please feel free to contribute by forking and submitting a pull request.


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