Generate Pug mixins from SVG files inspired by svgr.
npx svpug -i src/svgs -o views/icons
npm install -g svpug
svpug -i src/svgs -o views/icons
This will convert all the SVG files in the folder src/svgs
to Pug mixins in the folder views/icons
The beauty of this conversion is that, it uses &attributes
syntax in the mixins to explode the attributes passed via the mixin, so that you can override any property for the svg
root tag. See Conversion section for more details.
Then you can use your mixins like this:
include icons/discord.pug
include icons/twitter.pug
doctype html
title svpug - Demo app
h1 Hello world
+svg-discord(fill="blue", width="32", height="32")
+svg-twitter(fill="steelblue", width="32", height="32")
You can also add to your development workflow by installing svpug
as a dev dependency.
npm install svpug --save-dev
or using yarn
yarn add svpug --dev
and add it your package.json
as a script like below
"svpug": "svpug -i src/svgs -o views/icons"
And use the script to generate Pug mixins
npm run svpug
or with yarn
yarn svpug
Your SVG files will be converted like this:
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-discord" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
mixin svg-discord()
svg(xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-discord" viewBox="0 0 16 16")&attributes(attributes)
If you want to convert a single SVG file you can use this variation:
svpug [input-file] [output-file]
svpug demo/svgs/twitter.svg views/icons/twitter.pug
If you don't want to overwrite existing files, you can use the --ignore-existing
svpug -i demo/svgs -o views/icons --ignore-existing
svpug [args]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-i, --input-dir The input directory containing SVG files [string]
-o, --output-dir The output directory containing SVG files
[string] [default: "views/svpug"]
-x, --ignore-existing Ignore existing files in the output directory
[boolean] [default: false]