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A Rust utility library for efficient image processing and manipulation.

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imx - Rust Image Processing Library

A comprehensive Rust library for image processing, manipulation, and visualization.


  • 🖼️ Image Processing: Remove letterboxing, handle transparency, process in batch
  • 🔄 Format Support: JPEG, PNG, WebP, JXL (JPEG XL)
  • 🔢 Numeric Utilities: Safe type conversions for image data
  • 📊 XY Plotting: Create image grid plots with labels
  • High Performance: Async/await support for parallel processing
  • 🧰 File Utilities: File type detection, error handling


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

cargo add imx

Logging Configuration

This library uses the log crate for logging and outputs detailed information about processing steps. Configure a logger (e.g., env_logger, simplelog) in your application:

// Example with env_logger
use env_logger::{Builder, Env};

fn main() {
    // Initialize logger with INFO level by default
    // Your code that uses imx...

Core Function Reference

Image Processing Functions


Removes black borders (letterboxing) from an image by automatically detecting and cropping them.

async fn remove_letterbox(path: &Path) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments: path - Path to the image file
  • Returns: Result<()> indicating success or failure
  • Behavior: Uses a threshold value of 0 (exact black) for letterbox detection
  • Error Cases: Image cannot be opened or saved
  • Performance: Processes the entire image; higher resolution images will take longer


Similar to remove_letterbox but allows specifying a threshold value to detect borders.

async fn remove_letterbox_with_threshold(path: &Path, threshold: u8) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments:
    • path - Path to the image file
    • threshold - Threshold value (0-255) for detecting letterbox borders
  • Details: Pixels with RGB values below this threshold are considered part of the letterbox
  • Use Cases: Useful for images with slightly off-black letterboxing


Replaces transparent pixels with black, opaque pixels.

async fn remove_transparency(path: &Path) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments: path - Path to the image file
  • Behavior: Scans the image and replaces any pixel with 0 alpha with black (RGB 0,0,0) and full opacity
  • When to Use: Helpful when converting to formats that don't support transparency or when removing transparent regions


Retrieves the width and height of an image.

fn get_image_dimensions(path: &Path) -> Result<(u32, u32)>
  • Arguments: path - Path to the image file
  • Returns: A tuple of (width, height) as u32 values
  • Error Cases: Image cannot be opened or is corrupt


Generic function to apply any async image processing operation to a file.

async fn process_image<F, Fut>(path: PathBuf, processor: F) -> Result<()>
    F: FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Fut,
    Fut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<()>>
  • Arguments:
    • path - Path to the image file to process
    • processor - Async function that performs the actual image processing
  • Features: Handles file existence checks and error propagation
  • Advanced Usage: Allows implementing custom image processors


Determines if a file is an image by checking both extension and file contents.

fn is_image_file(path: &Path) -> bool
  • Arguments: path - Path to check
  • Behavior: Checks for valid image extension, then verifies file contents via magic numbers
  • Security: Prevents processing of files with incorrect extensions (security measure)


Detects image format from file contents using magic numbers.

fn detect_image_format(buffer: &[u8]) -> Option<DetectedImageFormat>
  • Arguments: buffer - Byte buffer containing the file header
  • Returns: The detected format or None if unknown
  • Supported Formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP, JXL
  • Buffer Size: Requires at least 12 bytes of the file header

Format Conversion Functions


Converts an image from one format to another with format-specific options.

async fn convert_image(
    input_path: &Path,
    output_path: &Path,
    options: Option<ImageFormatOptions>
) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments:
    • input_path - Path to the input image
    • output_path - Path where the converted image should be saved
    • options - Optional format-specific conversion options
  • Supported Formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP, and others supported by the image crate
  • Quality Control: Options allow setting compression quality, lossless mode
  • Directory Creation: Automatically creates destination directory if it doesn't exist


Converts multiple images in a batch operation.

async fn convert_images_batch(
    input_paths: &[PathBuf],
    output_dir: &Path,
    output_format: ImageFormat,
    options: Option<ImageFormatOptions>
) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments:
    • input_paths - List of input image paths
    • output_dir - Directory where converted images should be saved
    • output_format - Target format for conversion
    • options - Optional format-specific conversion options
  • Behavior: Processes each image, maintaining original filenames with new extensions
  • Progress Reporting: Logs progress information during batch processing
  • Performance: Serial processing - doesn't execute conversions in parallel


Detects image format from file extension.

fn detect_format_from_extension(path: &Path) -> Option<ImageFormat>
  • Arguments: path - Path to check for format
  • Returns: Some(ImageFormat) if a supported format is detected, None otherwise
  • Case Sensitivity: Extension matching is case-insensitive


Struct for configuring image format conversion options.

struct ImageFormatOptions {
    quality: u8,           // Quality value (1-100)
    lossless: bool,        // Whether to use lossless compression
    extra_options: HashMap<String, String>  // Format-specific options
  • Default Factory Methods:
    • ImageFormatOptions::default() - 85% quality, lossy compression
    • ImageFormatOptions::jpeg() - 85% quality, lossy compression
    • ImageFormatOptions::png() - 100% quality, lossless compression
    • ImageFormatOptions::webp() - 85% quality, lossy compression
  • Customization Methods:
    • .with_quality(quality: u8) - Set specific quality level
    • .with_lossless(lossless: bool) - Toggle lossless compression
    • .with_option(key: &str, value: &str) - Add format-specific option

JPEG XL Functions


Checks if a file is a JPEG XL image by examining its file extension.

fn is_jxl_file(path: &Path) -> bool
  • Arguments: path - Path to the file to check
  • Behavior: Performs a case-insensitive check for the ".jxl" extension
  • Limitations: Only checks extension, not file contents
  • When to Use: Quick filtering of files by extension


Converts a JPEG XL image to PNG format.

async fn convert_jxl_to_png(input_path: &Path, output_path: &Path) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments:
    • input_path - Path to the input JXL file
    • output_path - Path where the PNG file should be saved
  • Process:
    1. Reads the JXL file from disk
    2. Decodes the JXL data using jxl-oxide
    3. Converts the pixel data to RGBA format
    4. Saves the result as a PNG file
  • Supported: Both RGB and RGBA JXL images
  • Alpha Handling: For RGB images, alpha channel is set to fully opaque


Processes a JXL file with an optional custom processor function.

async fn process_jxl_file<F, Fut>(
    input_path: &Path, 
    processor: Option<F>
) -> Result<()>
    F: FnOnce(PathBuf) -> Fut + Send,
    Fut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<()>> + Send
  • Arguments:
    • input_path - Path to the JXL file
    • processor - Optional function to process the decoded PNG
  • Behavior: Converts JXL to temporary PNG file, applies processor, then cleans up
  • Advanced Usage: Allows custom transformations of JXL files
  • Cleanup: Automatically removes temporary files

Numeric Functions


Safely converts an f32 to i32, with proper rounding and range clamping.

fn f32_to_i32(x: f32) -> i32
  • Arguments: x - The f32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted i32 value, properly rounded and clamped
  • Special Cases:
    • NaN values are converted to 0
    • Values outside i32's range are clamped to i32::MIN or i32::MAX
    • Values are rounded to the nearest integer using banker's rounding
  • Safety Guarantees: No undefined behavior or panics


Safely converts an i32 to u32, clamping negative values to 0.

fn i32_to_u32(x: i32) -> u32
  • Arguments: x - The i32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted u32 value, with negative inputs clamped to 0
  • Use Cases: Working with unsigned quantities like array indices or dimensions


Safely converts a u32 to i32, clamping values exceeding i32::MAX.

fn u32_to_i32(x: u32) -> i32
  • Arguments: x - The u32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted i32 value, with large values clamped to i32::MAX
  • Safety: Prevents truncation errors and undefined behavior


Safely converts an f32 to u8, with proper rounding and range clamping.

fn f32_to_u8(x: f32) -> u8
  • Arguments: x - The f32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted u8 value, properly rounded and clamped to 0-255
  • Use Cases: Converting floating-point color values to byte representation
  • Special Cases: NaN becomes 0, values outside range are clamped


Converts an i32 to f32, optimized for image positioning calculations.

fn i32_to_f32_for_pos(x: i32) -> f32
  • Arguments: x - The i32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted f32 value
  • Use Cases: Calculating positions in drawing operations
  • Precision: Preserves exact integer values within f32's safe integer range


Safely converts an f32 to u32, with proper rounding and range clamping.

fn f32_to_u32(x: f32) -> u32
  • Arguments: x - The f32 value to convert
  • Returns: The converted u32 value, properly rounded and clamped
  • Safety: Handles NaN, negative values, and overflow cases

XY Plotting Functions


Creates an image grid plot with optional row and column labels.

fn create_plot(config: &PlotConfig) -> Result<()>
  • Arguments: config - Configuration for the plot
  • Returns: Result indicating success or failure
  • Features:
    • Arranges images in a grid layout
    • Adds row and column labels
    • Automatically scales images to uniform size
    • Handles text rendering with emoji support
    • Saves the plot as a PNG image
  • Layout: Automatically calculates optimal layout based on image dimensions


Configuration struct for creating image grid plots.

struct PlotConfig {
    images: Vec<PathBuf>,          // List of image file paths to include
    output: PathBuf,               // Output file path
    rows: u32,                     // Number of rows in the grid
    row_labels: Vec<String>,       // Optional row labels
    column_labels: Vec<String>,    // Optional column labels
    column_label_alignment: LabelAlignment,  // How to align column labels
    row_label_alignment: LabelAlignment,     // How to align row labels
    debug_mode: bool,              // Whether to output debug visualization
    top_padding: u32,              // Space at the top for labels
    left_padding: u32,             // Space at the left for row labels
  • Defaults:
    • top_padding: 40 pixels
    • left_padding: 40 pixels
    • column_label_alignment: Center
    • row_label_alignment: Center
    • debug_mode: false
  • Labels: Support multiline text using '\n' as separator
  • Customization: All fields can be configured to customize the plot


Enum for specifying label alignment in plots.

enum LabelAlignment {
    Start,    // Place labels at the left/top edge
    Center,   // Center labels (default)
    End,      // Place labels at the right/bottom edge
  • Use Cases: Controls positioning of text labels relative to images
  • Default: Center alignment for both row and column labels

Layout Engine Functions


Represents the complete layout of a plot for rendering.

struct Layout {
    elements: Vec<LayoutElement>,
    total_width: u32,
    total_height: u32,
  • Components:
    • Collection of layout elements (images, labels, padding)
    • Total dimensions of the layout
  • Methods:
    • new(width: u32, height: u32) - Creates a new empty layout
    • add_element(element: LayoutElement) - Adds an element to the layout
    • render_debug() - Renders a debug visualization of the layout


Represents different types of elements in a layout.

enum LayoutElement {
    Image { rect: LayoutRect, path: String },
    RowLabel { rect: LayoutRect, text: String },
    ColumnLabel { rect: LayoutRect, text: String },
    Padding { rect: LayoutRect, description: String },
  • Types:
    • Image - An image to be displayed in the grid
    • RowLabel - A label for a row of images
    • ColumnLabel - A label for a column of images
    • Padding - Empty space in the layout
  • Debug Visualization: Each type is color-coded in debug mode


Represents a rectangular region in the layout.

struct LayoutRect {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    width: u32,
    height: u32,
  • Coordinates: (x,y) represent the top-left corner of the rectangle
  • Dimensions: Width and height define the size of the rectangle
  • Signed Coordinates: Allows for elements partially outside the visible area


Basic Image Processing

use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::Result;
use imx::{remove_letterbox, remove_transparency};

async fn process_images() -> Result<()> {
    // Remove letterboxing from an image
    let image_path = Path::new("input/movie_frame.jpg");
    // Remove transparency from a PNG
    let png_path = Path::new("input/logo.png");

Image Format Conversion

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use anyhow::Result;
use imx::{convert_image, convert_images_batch, ImageFormatOptions};
use image::ImageFormat;

async fn convert_images_example() -> Result<()> {
    // Convert a single image to WebP with custom quality
    let input = Path::new("input/photo.jpg");
    let output = Path::new("output/photo.webp");
    let options = ImageFormatOptions::webp()
    convert_image(input, output, Some(options)).await?;
    // Batch convert all JPEGs in a directory to PNG
    let input_dir = Path::new("input");
    let output_dir = Path::new("output/png");
    // Collect input paths
    let mut input_paths = Vec::new();
    for entry in std::fs::read_dir(input_dir)? {
        let path = entry?.path();
        if path.extension().map_or(false, |ext| ext == "jpg") {
    // Convert all images to PNG with lossless compression
    let png_options = ImageFormatOptions::png();
    convert_images_batch(&input_paths, output_dir, ImageFormat::Png, Some(png_options)).await?;

JXL Processing

use std::path::Path;
use anyhow::Result;
use imx::jxl::{convert_jxl_to_png, process_jxl_file};

async fn process_jxl_example() -> Result<()> {
    // Simple conversion from JXL to PNG
    let jxl_path = Path::new("image.jxl");
    let png_path = Path::new("image.png");
    convert_jxl_to_png(jxl_path, png_path).await?;
    // Process JXL file with custom handling
    process_jxl_file(jxl_path, Some(|temp_png_path| async move {
        // Remove letterboxing from the temporary PNG
        // The modified temp PNG will be used

Creating Image Grid Plots

use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::Result;
use imx::xyplot::{PlotConfig, create_plot, LabelAlignment};

fn create_image_grid() -> Result<()> {
    // Create a 2x3 grid of images
    let images = vec![
    let config = PlotConfig {
        output: PathBuf::from("grid_output.png"),
        rows: 2,
        row_labels: vec!["Set A".to_string(), "Set B".to_string()],
        column_labels: vec!["Low".to_string(), "Medium".to_string(), "High".to_string()],
        column_label_alignment: LabelAlignment::Center,
        row_label_alignment: LabelAlignment::Start,
        debug_mode: false,
        top_padding: 60,  // Extra space for column labels
        left_padding: 80, // Extra space for row labels

Safe Numeric Conversions

use imx::numeric::{f32_to_i32, f32_to_u8, i32_to_u32};

fn numeric_example() {
    // Convert float to integer with rounding
    let float_val = 123.7;
    let int_val = f32_to_i32(float_val);
    assert_eq!(int_val, 124); // Rounds to nearest
    // Handle NaN values safely
    let nan_val = f32_to_i32(f32::NAN);
    assert_eq!(nan_val, 0);   // NaN becomes 0
    // Convert to byte values (for image processing)
    let color_val = 240.8;
    let byte_val = f32_to_u8(color_val);
    assert_eq!(byte_val, 241); // Rounds to nearest, clamps to 0-255
    // Safe signed to unsigned conversion
    let signed_val = -5;
    let unsigned_val = i32_to_u32(signed_val);
    assert_eq!(unsigned_val, 0); // Negative becomes 0

Best Practices

Path Handling

Always use platform-agnostic path handling:

use std::path::Path;

// Good
let img_path = Path::new("images").join("photo.jpg");

// Avoid platform-specific separators
// let img_path = "images/photo.jpg"; // Works on Unix but not Windows

Using Async Functions

Ensure your runtime is configured for async functions:

use tokio::runtime::Runtime;

// Setup a basic tokio runtime
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
rt.block_on(async {
    // Call async imx functions here

Layout Algorithm

The library uses a sophisticated layout algorithm for grid plots:

  1. Images are arranged in a grid with specified number of rows
  2. Columns are calculated automatically based on image count and rows
  3. All images are scaled to maintain uniform size in the grid
  4. Row labels are placed on the left side, aligned to the row
  5. Column labels are placed above each column
  6. Padding is added around all elements for visual spacing

For debugging layouts, set debug_mode: true in your PlotConfig to see a color-coded visualization of the calculated layout.


A Rust utility library for efficient image processing and manipulation.






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