- Toronto, ON
- ramses-lopez.github.io
🏙️ This repository aims to list all tech-related meetups, user groups, and similar communities happening in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Read replica proxy adapters for ActiveRecord!
wkhtmltopdf binary for heroku / amd64
Oaken upgrades your development seeds, lets you reuse them in tests & blends the best of fixtures & factories into one cohesive whole.
Endoscope lets you to stream live video between android devices over Wi-Fi! 📱📲
Keep your place when jumping between a different parts of your code. This is a vscode extension that will highlight lines as you edit them, fading as you move away.
Starting code for the GildedRose Refactoring Kata in many programming languages.
Heroku buildpack with vips and pdf support via poppler
Computer vision and deep learning on tennis video
Spin up fast a Rails 7 app with Tailwind & esbuild with Docker
Unofficial open-source OpenGL/SDL2 reimplementation of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ( + Alien Crossfire )
Turbo IOS/Android project generator
A full-featured, mountable analytics dashboard for your Rails app, powered by the Ahoy gem.
A Markdown-based note-taking app for mobile devices.
10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
A wonderfully simple calendar gem for Rails
🦌 Soothing pastel theme for VSCode & Azure Data Studio
fexed / Pinball-on-Android
Forked from iscle/SpaceCadetPinballAndroid port of 3D Pinball Space Cadet
Create your own games for the Nintendo Entertainment System! This "starter" game is easily extensible for your own projects. Includes references.