Releases: rancher/local-path-provisioner
Releases Β· rancher/local-path-provisioner
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.31
What's Changed
- Update dependencies by @harsimranmaan in #472
- Fix CVE issues
Full Changelog: v0.0.30...v0.0.31
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.30
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.29
What's Changed
- Update Go to 1.22.5 by @unguiculus in #435
- vendor: update dependencies by @derekbit in #446
- Upgrade sig storage lib external provisioner by @rorosen in #445
- chore(workflow): add "Scan With Trivy and Upload Results to GitHub Security Tab" by @derekbit in #448
- Bugfix: pvs not deleting was: Remove the assumption that a node's name == its hostname by @jan-g in #414
- Support risc-v by @derekbit #447
- Bump to v0.0.29 by @derekbit in #450
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.28
What's Changed
- Migrate CI to github Actions by @mantissahz in #403
- fix(ci): allow to read docker hub secret by @mantissahz in #412
- Revert "Give the helper pod more range of MCS categories" by @derekbit in #421
- Temporarily disable TestPodWithMultipleStorageClasses by @derekbit in #423
- Move helperPod namespace into metadata by @justusbunsi in #425
New Contributors
- @justusbunsi made their first contribution in #365
- @mantissahz made their first contribution in #403
Full Changelog: v0.0.27...v0.0.28
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.28-rc1
What's Changed
- Migrate CI to github Actions by @mantissahz in #403
- fix(ci): allow to read docker hub secret by @mantissahz in #412
- Revert "Give the helper pod more range of MCS categories" by @derekbit in #421
- Temporarily disable TestPodWithMultipleStorageClasses by @derekbit in #423
- Move helperPod namespace into metadata by @justusbunsi in #425
New Contributors
- @justusbunsi made their first contribution in #365
- @mantissahz made their first contribution in #403
Full Changelog: v0.0.27...v0.0.28
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.27
What's Changed
- Repair code example in storageClass description. by @c4lliope in #368
- Update to 0.26 by @e-minguez in #373
- Update,rm /manager by @terryzwt in #379
- Fix duplicate labels by @runningman84 in #393
- drone: remove s390x support by @derekbit in #391
- Feature/multiple storage classes by @meln5674 in #361
- Remove duplicate labels and add ability to set helperpod resource requests/limits by @visokoo in #394
- Automatic reloading of the helper pod manifest by the provisioner by @js185692 in #399
- Add support for custom path patterns by @AlbanBedel in #385
- adding pvc with node name example by @sebastianohl in #382
- Add e2e test for custom path patterns by @derekbit in #404
- Give the helper pod more range of MCS categories by @galal-hussein in #402
- Fix: Chart.yaml file is missing on helm install by @jamshidi799 in #388
- drone: disable e2e test by @derekbit in #405
- Allow customizing helper pod by @justusbunsi in #365
- test: use reclaimPolicy Delete instead by @derekbit in #406
- chart: fix pathPattern by @derekbit in #409
New Contributors
- @c4lliope made their first contribution in #368
- @e-minguez made their first contribution in #373
- @terryzwt made their first contribution in #379
- @runningman84 made their first contribution in #393
- @visokoo made their first contribution in #394
- @AlbanBedel made their first contribution in #385
- @sebastianohl made their first contribution in #382
- @galal-hussein made their first contribution in #402
- @jamshidi799 made their first contribution in #388
- @justusbunsi made their first contribution in #365
Full Changelog: v0.0.26...v0.0.27
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.26
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.25
What's Changed
- feat - Node name annotation by @osherElm in #340
- Helm: add namespace by @sergelogvinov in #325
- Add storageClass.volumeBindingMode value to helm chart by @anisimovdk in #347
- Helm: add pod annotation, securityContext blocks by @sergelogvinov in #321
- Set default volume type of storage class from Helm chart by @nltimv in #357
- Constraint default RBAC permissions by @sbocinec in #336
- Helm: add pod tolerations to the helper-pod by @sergelogvinov in #322
- deployment: Adapt values to be quoted when installed in templates by @ardumont in #358
- Save the helper pod logs to the provisioner logs by @js185692 in #324
- Add ReadWriteOncePod support for NodePath volumes by @anothertobi in #331
- feature: Add configuretion to run setup/teardown command in helper container instead of run with script by @name212 in #360
- Helm: Add common labels value and update uninstall for helm 3 by @kevinzwang in #319
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.24
What's Changed
- Fix sharedFilesystemPath not being available in helm deployment by @meln5674 in #275
- fix quota example by @liupeng0518 in #278
- Run the container of the helper pod in privileged mode by @derekbit in #295
- Update dependencies by @derekbit in #296
- Updates to address vulnerabilities by @derekbit in #308
- Set default volume type in storage class by @js185692 in #311
- Multiple storage classes for same provisioner by @samene in #306
Local Path Provisioner v0.0.23
What's Changed
- FIX: imagePullSecrets setting error @tgfree7 (1804059)
- dockerfile: always upgrade busybox and zlib @derekbit (200b100)
- Example for shared filesystem and ReadWriteMany mode @dchirikov (785227e)
- Documentation for using shared filesystem tunable @dchirikov (b7e5266)
- Enable shared filesystem support @dchirikov (9f18bde)
- Add experimental note to @AnthonyEnr1quez (42952d5)
- remove debug print and handle error @AnthonyEnr1quez (cc8ec9a)
- change to annotation based volume config @AnthonyEnr1quez (19625e6)
- small readme update @AnthonyEnr1quez (84945a8)
- basic local path impl with config @AnthonyEnr1quez(b81fb99)
- Fix typo in @HariiHe (48f98e5)
- CHG: merge helper-image setting into one place for helm charts @tgfree7 (ac68e0a)
- Fix depreciated kubectl instruction in README @kate-goldenring (4768915)
- doc: fix typo @ajdexter (982e089)
Thanks @tgfree7, @dchirikov, @AnthonyEnr1quez, @HariiHe, @kate-goldenring and @ajdexter for the contributions.