Not many developers like to write documentation. I do though. I believe that a well-documented codebase is as important as the code itself. Its like a story telling what the code can do and how it does it. I always try to write clear, concise, and useful documentation. My go-to documentation tool is
Whenever I write documentation i try to follow keep in mind the following steps to make sure the reader gets the most out of it:
1. **What** is this documentation about?
2. **Why** is this documentation important?
3. **How** can the reader use this documentation?
4. **When** should the reader use this documentation?
5. **Who** is this documentation for?
I grew up with Windows and have a special place in my heart for it. Its my go-to operating system for development. I enjoy using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and the Windows Terminal. I also use PowerShell configured with Oh-My-Posh for my terminal.