Weak in Mathematics ..? No Problem..We are here with a remedy...Arithmetic Portal.
Arithmetic Portal is a webapp made as a part of CodeFunDo 2k16.
It is an interactive app targeted for school kids to learn basic arithmetic.
Click Arithmetic Portal to play this game.
- Player Starts the game at White tile (Bottom-left Corner).
- 'X' represents player's current position in your grid.
- Player Wins the game as soon as he/she reaches the Black Tile (Top-Left Corner).
- A random expression is generated every T seconds(T = 30 sec for level 1 and T = 60sec for level 2)
- For every correct answer the distance moved by the player is determined by how fast the player
gives the answer. - Player can move a maxmimum of 6 tiles.
- If the player gets a green portal on his way he gets transported to the next row green portal.
- If the player gives a wrong answer and there is a red portal in the next 6 tiles the player will be transported to red portal in the previous row. So the player needs to answer the question carefully to avoid falling down.
- If the player gives a wrong answer and there is no red portal with 6 tiles ,then he will not move.
- Making the Game Competitive (Option of a 2 Player Game so that winning the game becomes the motivation for doing calculations fastly)
- At Present, the Target Audience is only kids. We will extend this to high school guys by focussing on more complex mathematical operations like Integration , Differentation ,Algebra . This extension will increase the scope of this app by a huge margin.
- Techinques like ABACUS,VEDIC MATHS can be integrated as they provide you ways for rapid speed in calculations.
- For Kids of KinderGarten , Number Tables can be taught through this and by making the site more kid-friendly.
- Adding More Levels and a Score-HighScore system.