A RESTful server to serve data for the DAAM restaurant app.
To start it up:
npm install
npm run load-db
npm start
Make GET requests using Postman or Hoppscotch. But you'll need to authenticate to get to certain orders and other things.
Make a POST request to /login with {"username": ____, "password": "pass" }. (All passwords are pass until you decide to change them.)
- Servers are "server1", "server2", and "server3"
- Admin users are "admin", and "cmac"
- Regular users are "me", and all the other regular users whose usernames and passwords you can look up in the database.
See database.json for the final structure. Here's a general layout.
column | type | notes |
id | number | Primary key |
name | string | |
description | string | |
category | string | free-form |
price | number | |
imageUrl | string | |
available | bool | false=doesn't appear on the menu |
TODO: Category should eventually be a collection/enum
column | type | notes |
id | number | Primary key |
string | Also the username | |
password | string | Should be hashed but isn't |
first | string | |
last | string | |
phone | string | |
imageUrl | string | optional |
creditCard | object | {PAN, expiryMonth, expiryYear} |
adminUser | bool | true=Has administrator privilege |
column | type | notes |
id | number | |
userId | number | |
orderTime | Date | |
pickupTime | Date | |
location | string | table or "doordash","ubereats", etc. |
tax | number | |
tip | number | |
creditCard | {} | {PAN: string, expiryMonth, expiryYear, cvv: string} |
items | Array[{}] | {cartItemId: number, itemId: number, price: number, notes: string,firstName: string} |
- authorization: only if user.isServer or user.adminUser or user.id === order.userId
- Authorization: Only if admin users only
- Authorization: Single user by that authenticated user only
- POST: body is the entire cart
- Authenticated user only???
status | meaning |
new | Guest has placed the order |
cooking | Kitchen staff is prepping the order |
readyForGuest | Ready for servers to deliver to the guest |
pickedUp | It looks accurate. I'm taking it to the guest |
delivered | Guest is happy with the order |
problem | The order has one or more issues |
completed | Paid for. The order is closed. |
Built on json-server