BakkuClient is a simple client for the Bakku API. Easily create a website with the Bakku API.
- Pages
- Components
- Forms
- Caching
- Error handling
- Fully customizable
First register your website on Bakku. Then generate a api_key for your website.
<x-media :id="$block['fields']['image']" />
<x-collections :type="'{{COLLECTION_TYPE}}'" :limit="{{LIMIT}}" />
5. To change the collections open the /app/View/Components/Collections.php file and change the collections
<x-menu slug="{{ $slug }}" />
7. Create or edit the components in /resources/views/components/, if you need an extra component use
php artisan make:component {{ComponentName}}
php artisan make:view blocks/{{BlockName}}
@foreach($blocks as $block)
@include('blocks.'.$block['label'], ['block' => $block])
php artisan make:view pages/{{PageName}}
git clone{{REPO_NAME}}.git
cd {{REPO_NAME}}
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run build
php artisan serve
This client is made by Exposia and is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.