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BakkClient is a Laravel client for Bakku CMS. 😎

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About BakkuClient

BakkuClient is a simple client for the Bakku API. Easily create a website with the Bakku API.


  • Pages
  • Components
  • Forms
  • Caching
  • Error handling
  • Fully customizable


First register your website on Bakku. Then generate a api_key for your website.

1. Fill in the BAKKU_SITE_ID and BAKKU_API_KEY in the .env file


2. Create or edit the pages in /resources/views/pages/

3. To include images use the following code

<x-media :id="$block['fields']['image']" />

4. To include a collection use the following code

<x-collections :type="'{{COLLECTION_TYPE}}'" :limit="{{LIMIT}}" />

5. To change the collections open the /app/View/Components/Collections.php file and change the collections

6.To include the menu use the following code

<x-menu slug="{{ $slug }}" />

7. Create or edit the components in /resources/views/components/, if you need an extra component use

php artisan make:component {{ComponentName}}

8. To create blocks use the following command

php artisan make:view blocks/{{BlockName}}

9. To include a block use the following code

@foreach($blocks as $block)
    @include('blocks.'.$block['label'], ['block' => $block])

10. To create a page use the following command

php artisan make:view pages/{{PageName}}


1. Fork the repository

2. Clone the repository

git clone{{REPO_NAME}}.git

3. Go to the project directory

cd {{REPO_NAME}}

4. Install composer dependencies

composer install

5. Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env

cp .env.example .env

6. Generate a new application key

php artisan key:generate

7. Run the migrations

php artisan migrate

8. Install npm dependencies

npm install

9. Compile the assets

npm run build

10. Run the application

php artisan serve


This client is made by Exposia and is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.