Tags: ravidsinghbiz/dotfiles
Mac merge (jldeen#10) Fixed git credential config bug (global & local) (previously cached my username) Fixed copy bug in tmux mode when using jldeen dotfiles Fixed insert mode error in vim (allow backspacing over everything in insert mode) Fixed pip for setuptools upgrade Added checks in for zsh, oh-my-zsh install, and vs code symlink Added new features embedded with Powerlevel9k - Dir_writable - Kubernetes support Added iTerm and Azure CLI installs to brewfile for autoinstall Removed hardcode source from .zshrc and .bashrc for az Updated auto sourcing for zsh-autosuggestions plugin Updated settings.json for VS Code Updated iterm config Streamlined and enhanced bandwidth data performance - Speedtest-cli command moved to crontab to be run in 15min increments and output data to log - Tmux internet_info.sh reads log and prints relevant data General code cleanup and optimization