DjVu-Tools is a Ruby library for manipulating DjVu files. The interface is built on the DjVuLibre djvused command line tool provided by DjVuLibre. Current tools include:
Easy page title management for page number generation. The only way to achieve consistent page numbering for most books is to set the page title for each page. The DjVuNumberer class provides a way to title individual pages and number ranges of pages in various styles.
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'djvu-tools'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install djvu-tools
Fist pick a file to work on:
djvu = 'book.djvu'
Then create sections to title or number:
A single page
djvu.add_section( { title: 'Cover', range: (1..1) } )
A range of pages with uppercase Roman numerals starting with I:
djvu.add_section( { start: 1, range: (2..10), type: :upper_roman } )
A range of pages with lowercase Roman numerals starting with x:
djvu.add_section( { start: 10, range: (11..20), type: :lower_roman } )
A range of pages with Arabic numerals starting with 1:
djvu.add_section( { start: 1, range: (21..500), type: :arabic } )
A range of pages with Arabic numerals starting with 1 and spaced 2 apart:
djvu.add_section( { start: 1, range: (21..500), type: :arabic, delta: 2 } )
Finally, you must run djvused and write to the file with
If you get an error such as
File with TITLE 'foo' already exists in the DJVM directory.
then a page with the same title already exists (this may be case intensive). You may wish to first relabel all of the pages with a range of numbers you will not use before you attempt again.
DjVu-Tools is currently hosted at github. The github web page is To clone the project run
$ git clone git://
After cloning, you should run yard to generate documentation for the source.
DjVu-Tools is released under the MIT license:
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.