- Normalize how
are used and only set them in_config.yml
. No need to explicitly set the asset baseurl. - Remove
. This should be committed for real sites.
- Actually fix Travis builds failing on pull request.
- Fix Travis builds failing on pull request.
- Fix how Node.js is handled on Travis.
- Update Foundation to 5.5.3.
- Fix build issue with pull requests.
- Bump rake and Bower versions.
- Bump highlightjs and webfontloader versions.
- Bump jQuery to 2.2.0.
- Load Roboto font as Foundation uses this as a default fallback font.
- Set Modernizr version to force version 2 as 3 is incompatible.
- Fix bug with ssh-agent command.
- Fix issue when using
. - Set staging site CNAME with
environment variable.
- Update minor dependencies.
- Fix gist tag not loading async.
- Use io.js v2.5.0.
- Remove Compass.
- Remove default webfonts.
- Load Foundation Icon Fonts from cdnjs.
- Update jekyll-assets to 1.0.0.
- Use
for 404 page.
- Deploy keys can be overridden via the
environment variable. - Switch to using rake-jekyll for git based deployment.
You may now set the
environment variable to enable testing on all other branches. - Split main body content out from the default layout and into a new body layout.
- Use gist-aysnc bower package.
- Remove Sub-content feature.
- Add staging environment support for Travis CI builds.
- Add 404 page.
- Optimize Travis build by adding bower to package.json.
- Update jQuery to 2.1.4.
- Update Foundation to 5.2.2.
- Use
tag and nosrc
for picture-tag interchange mode. - Travis CI deployment now uses deploy keys instead of personal access tokens. If you use this feature you must follow the new setup instructions.
- Travis CI optimizations.
- Fix Twitter button width bug.
- Update Foundation to 5.5.1.
- Remove social button fade-in (kept breaking).
- Fix body visibility.
- Fix Facebook Like Button aync issue.
- Don't use async loading for critial assets to prevent flash of unstyled content.
- Update Google +1 Button code.
- Update Facebook Like Button code.
- Fix issue where display property on body could cause display bugs.
- Regenerate bower.json.
Version 2.6.1 introduced a change that would print your deploy token in the Travis CI build.
If you suspect you were affected: regenerate your personal access tokens!
- Hide secure token in deploy_url.
- Add favicon.
- Add LiveReload support.
- Fix body display bug.
- Avoid flash of unstyled content due to asynchronously loading CSS.
- Travis CI updates.
- Require fonts in head.js instead of inline.
- Enable autosize for Jekyll Assets.
- Load app.css with HeadJS.
- Optimize script loading.
- Replace yepnope with HeadJS.
- Update Foundation to 5.5.0.
- Update jQuery to 2.1.3.
- Update mini_magick to 4.0.1.
- Update highlightjs to 8.4.
- Update Jekyll to 2.5.
- Update uglifier to 2.6.
- Update rake to 10.4.
- Check-in Gemfile.lock.
- Jekyll to 2.4.0.
- Foundation to 5.4.7.
- Compass to 1.0.1.
- Jekyll to 2.1.0.
- Foundation to 5.3.0.
- Other component versions updated.
- Foundation updated to version 5.2.2.
- Added Display Advertising to Google Analytics Tracking Code.
- Foundation updated to version 5.1.1.
- jQuery updated to version 2.1.0.
- Normalize.css updated to version 3.0.0.
- Added 'use strict'.
- Foundation updated to version 5.0.3.
- Modernizr.load replaced by yepnope.
- Fastclick included.
- Automatically publish to GitHub pages with Travis CI.
- Easily incorporate the source from other web projects as
subdirectories in your site (see sub_content in
). - Load fonts with Web Font Loader.
- Included Foundation Icon Fonts.
- Switched to highlight.js.
- Load GitHub Gists asynchronously.
- Only load basic Foundation JavaScript, but no plugins by default.
- If you are using Foundation JavaScript plugins
you will need to require them in
- If you are using Foundation JavaScript plugins
you will need to require them in
- Foundation updated to version 5.
- Optional pagination using Foundation.
- Now using Bower for javascript libs.
- Need to run
bower install
. - jQuery version 2 by default.
- Loading scripts via Modernizr.load.
- Need to run
- New option upload_only for deploy.
- Better meta tag order for SEO.
- Some config defaults have been added and changed.
- Removed sftp deploy support.
- New meta data system.
- Social features
- Facebook share button.
- Google+ share button.
- Twitter tweet button.
- Google Analytics tracking code updated to use Universal Analytics.
config variable is now a hash which takesid
- Jekyll YouTube Embed Plugin for Foundation.
- Jekyll Picture Tag Plugin with Interchange support.
- Foundation to 4.3.1.
- Initial release.