pn-local-emulator Public
Forked from pagopa/pn-local-emulatorA system that emulates a subset of HTTP API provided by Piattaforma Notifiche, driven by well-defined use cases, and produces a report describing their coverage and correctness.
eppit Public
Forked from vihai/eppitEPP Interface for italian NIC (and maybe others)
scrapy-proxies Public
Forked from aivarsk/scrapy-proxiesRandom proxy middleware for Scrapy
spid-saml-check Public
Forked from italia/spid-saml-checkTool di verifica implementazione SPID SAML
force-strong-passwords Public
Forked from boogah/force-strong-passwordsWordPress plugin to force users with executive capabilities to use something strong when updating their passwords.
twilio-zabbix-handler Public
Forked from ducksboard/twilio-zabbix-handlermaking Twilio calls from Zabbix
Python UpdatedOct 11, 2012 -
openvpn-als-agentclient Public
Forked from jpawlowski/openvpn-als-agentclientsvn clone from aditoagentclien.svn.sourceforge.net
openvpn-als-applications Public
Forked from jpawlowski/openvpn-als-applicationssvn clone from openvpn-als.svn.sourceforge.net