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Releases: reach/reach-ui


13 Oct 00:06
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v0.18.0 Pre-release

Changes for individual packages can now be found in the file in the root of the affected package. GitHub releases will be used to document changes affecting all or several packages in the repo.


  • All default exports have been removed. Replace all default imports with the appropriate documented named export.
  • The output directory structure has changed slightly. Module files are now named reach-<pkg>.mjs instead of reach-<pkg>.esm.js.

Minor Changes

  • We have simplified our build setup to remove a boatload of dependencies. Build output for all packages may look slightly different, though functionally packages that don't have explicit changes marked in the release notes have not changed.

    This may affect you if you use patch-package to modify output code. If you need support for legacy browsers, the new bundle may not transpile the same ECMA features as before. In that case you may want to transpile Reach packages directly.

  • We no longer check that our internal styles are included by looking for a defined CSS custom property. You can still include our base styles as before, but this removes the need to define --reach-<pkg> in your own stylesheets to silence dev warnings.


20 Apr 05:34
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v0.17.0 Pre-release

πŸ’” Breaking Changes

  • disclosure
    • In uncontrolled disclosures, previously we would render the disclosure as open on the first render, regardless of the defaultOpen prop's value. This was done as a progressive enhancement to ensure content was visible to users without JavaScript, but in most cases it just meant that the user might see a flash before the state would change, causing unwanted layout shift.
    • We simplified this by simply respecting the defaultOpen prop's value on the initial render. If you want the old behavior, control the state of your disclosures and ensure that the initial open state is always set to true, then set the desired state for the following render in useEffect.
  • tabs
    • Removed the isSelected from from the Tab component. This prop was useful before we had hooks, but we can now get the selected tab from context without using render props. (2dd0aec)

πŸ› Bugfixes

  • auto-id
    • Use the user-provided ID beyond the first render for deterministic behavior (b2f3bc0)
  • tabs
    • Stop managing focus on mouse clicks to fix :focus-visible
  • listbox
    • Update submit button querySelector specificity to fix incorrect button clicks (#903)
  • menu-button, combobox, listbox
    • Skip rendering of portaled popovers before hydration. This prevents unwanted layout shift when the server-rendered popover mounts to a temporary DOM node (a8f38a4).

πŸ€œπŸ€› 8 Committers


06 Dec 19:27
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v0.16.5 Pre-release

In @reach/combobox, we added a data-expanded attribute to the parent wrapper and popover for simpler styling based on the expanded state of the input.


16 Nov 18:01
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v0.16.4 Pre-release

This release fixes a bug in Combobox where the selection in a controlled combobox input would trigger a flash with the stale value. We should always defer to the user's value when the input is controlled (Thanks @arackaf!) -- #865


19 Oct 03:58
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v0.16.3 Pre-release

This release reverts a change in Combobox that, while addressing the issue in #755, was not tested thoroughly enough and caused a regression where in some cases the popover doesn't open until the user presses the down or up key after initial input. If you updated to v0.16.3 specifically as a workaround to this issue, I apologize! A new fix is in progress for the next release, and I'm working to ensure it's a bit more battle tested this time around.


17 Oct 20:03
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v0.16.2 Pre-release

✨ Enhancements

  • combobox
    • #783 Stop binding value changes from undesirely expanding combobox (@dlacaille)
  • portal
  • disclosure
    • Make Disclosure accessible when Javascript is disabled (@schwartzadev)

πŸ€œπŸ€› 5 Committers


02 Aug 20:42
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v0.16.1 Pre-release

This patch release fixes a bug when passing stable index values to descendant item components.


02 Aug 06:07
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v0.16.0 Pre-release

BREAKING: This release fixes a rendering bug in the descendants, but the bug in some cases may have coincidentally allowed descendants to be re-indexed in dynamically sorted lists. While this is probably a nice feature, it didn't work consistently and created problems with nested collections.

We do not directly support dynamic sorting of lists, so if you relied on this "feature" you'll need to provide indices to the descendant item directly via props. If you're rendering dynamic lists you are probably iterating an array anyway, so you shouldn't have any issues.

This applies to all collection-based compound components:

  • Tabs
  • Accordion
  • MenuButton
  • Listbox
  • Combobox

πŸ› Bugfixes

  • menu-button
    • Reference root's ownerDocument instead of global, better support in iframes

✨ Enhancements

  • menu-button
    • Better handling of mouse-move that caused problems with long lists on small screens
  • dialog
    • Update dependencies to fix small bugs in focus-lock
  • rect
    • Only log warning if observe is true

πŸ€œπŸ€› 3 Committers


10 Jul 20:35
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v0.15.3 Pre-release

πŸ› Bugfixes

  • utils
    • Typescript error for as={Link} on MenuLink (via utils/polymorphic) (@IanVS)
  • menu-button
    • #812 Prevent default for links to avoid double click events (@IanVS)
    • Popover does not consistently close when clicking between Menu Buttons (@ecklf)
  • listbox
    • Cannot focus on ListboxList when its styled to overlap ListboxButton (@loque)

πŸ“ Documentation

✨ Enhancements

  • combobox
    • #757 If Combobox openOnFocus is true then also open when the input is clicked. (@ProggerPete)
  • accordion, disclosure
    • Remove -1 tabIndex from accordion and disclosure panels (@joshuajaco)

πŸ€œπŸ€› 10 Committers


28 Jun 18:22
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v0.15.2 Pre-release

πŸ› Bugfixes

  • menu-button
    • #812 Prevent default for links to avoid double click events (@IanVS)
  • listbox
    • Cannot focus on ListboxList when it's styled to overlap ListboxButton (@loque)

πŸ“ Documentation

✨ Enhancements

  • combobox
    • #757 If openOnFocus is true then also open when the input is clicked (@ProggerPete)
  • accordion, disclosure
    • Remove -1 tabIndex from accordion and disclosure panels (@joshuajaco)

πŸ€œπŸ€› 8 Committers