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Tracking Events

Our Example Storefront uses NYTimes React Tracking to track analytics events throughout the app. By default, all events are sent to Segment. To enable tracking you can either configure Segment tracking to send to your account, or you can swap in a different analytics provider that you prefer.

You can see the source under /lib/tracking

Set up Segment

By default, this example storefront uses Segment analytics tracking.

Step 1. Obtain your API key from the Segment dashboard

Step 2. Add your API key to the .env config

In the .env file, at the root of the project, add or update the SEGMENT_ANALYTICS_WRITE_KEY variable with your API key


Step 3. Test

With the app running, navigate to different pages to trigger tracking events. Visit the Segment dashboard and verify that events are coming through successfully.

Add a custom tracking service

Step 1: Add a custom tracker

In the config/analytics directory you'll see a file provider.example.js. Copy and rename that file to provider.js, where provider can be any name you'd like.

In the index.js file in that same directory, import provider.js and add it to the array.

import * as segment from "./segment";
import * as provider from "./provider";

export default [

Step 2: Customize provider.js

The provider.js file contains two functions you need to customize: dispatch and renderScript.

The dispatch function gets called with all accumulated analytics data for an event. You must call the provider's API to track the event here.

 * Dispatch method
 * @name dispatchSegmentAnalytics
 * @ignore
 * @param {Object} data Arguments supplied by tracking library
 * @returns {undefined} No Return
export function dispatch(data) {
  // Example that works with google tag manager
  window && window.dataLayer.push(data);

The renderStript function renders a string of javascript code for your tracking service. For example in Segment.js we render the Segment snippet and return a string. This string will be included in the document head.

 * Render string script
 * @returns {String} String JS script to be applied to head
export function renderScript() {
  const { publicRuntimeConfig } = getConfig();

  // Key API key
  // add your api key to `publicRuntimeConfig` section of the next.config.js
  const { apiKey } = publicRuntimeConfig;

  // Return a javascript string that will be included in the HEAD of the rendered HTML document
  return "STRING_SCRIPT";

Step 4: Testing

You should now be able to send tracking data to the provider of your choice.

Track a page view event

import React, { Component } from "react";
import track from "react-tracking";

@track(() => ({
  action: "Page Viewed"
}), {
  dispatchOnMount: true
class Page extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div>{"Page"}</div>;

Track events inside a component

import React, { Component } from "react";
import track from "react-tracking";
import TrackingPropType from "lib/tracking/TrackingPropType";

@track({ page: "SomePage" })
class Page extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    tracking: TrackingPropType

  @track({ action: "On Click with Decorator" })
  handleClick = () => {
    // Perform some action

  handleOtherClick = () => {
    this.props.tracking.trackEvent({ action: "On Click with trackEvent()" });
    // Perform some action

  render() {
    return (
      <button onClick={this.handleClick}>{"Track Event 1"}</button>
      <button onClick={this.handleOtherClick}>{"Track Event 2"}</button>

Track events on page load and inside a component

import React, { Component } from "react";
import track from "react-tracking";
import TrackingPropType from "lib/tracking/TrackingPropType";

@track(() => ({
  action: "Page Viewed"
}), {
  dispatchOnMount: true
class Page extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    tracking: TrackingPropType

  @track({ action: "On Click with Decorator" })
  handleClick = () => {
    // Perform some action

  handleOtherClick = () => {
    this.props.tracking.trackEvent({ action: "On Click with trackEvent()" });
    // Perform some action

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Track Event 1</button>
        <button onClick={this.handleOtherClick}>Track Event 2</button>

Track a Product List Viewed event

Tracking the Product List Viewed Segment event using the provided HOC trackProductListViewed.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import withCatalogItems from "containers/catalog/withCatalogItems";
import track from "lib/tracking/track";
import trackProductListViewed from "lib/tracking/trackProductListViewed";

@withCatalogItems // Get catalog items for the current page
class ProductListPage extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    catalogItems: PropTypes.array

  // Track event on component mount
  componentDidMount() {}

  render() {
    const { catalogItems } = this.props.catalogItems;

    return (
        {catalogItems && => {

Track a Product Viewed or Product Added event

Tracking for the Product Viewed and Product Added Segment events is provided by the trackProduct HOC.

See src/components/ProductDetail/ProductDetail.js for the full example.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import withCatalogItemProduct from "containers/catalog/withCatalogItemProduct";
import track from "lib/tracking/track";
import trackProduct from "lib/tracking/trackProduct";
import TRACKING from "lib/tracking/constants";

@withCatalogItemProduct // Product for page with route of `/product/:slugOrId/:variantId?`
class ProductDetailPage extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    product: PropTypes.object

  componentDidMount() {
    const { product } = this.props;

    // Select first variant by default

  selectVariant(variant, optionId) {
    // Do something with selected variant / option

    this.trackAction({ variant, optionId, action: TRACKING.PRODUCT_VIEWED });

  // Expects the prop `product`, and an object with the following keys:
  // `variant`, `optionId`, and `action` as a function arg.
  // The `product` prop is provided by the `ProductDetailPage` component.
  trackAction() {}

  render() {
    return (

Track a Product Clicked event

Tracking the Product Clicked Segment event provided HOC trackProductClicked.

See src/components/ProductGrid/ProductGrid.js for the full example.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import track from "lib/tracking/track";
import trackProductClicked from "lib/tracking/trackProductClicked";

class ProductGrid extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    products: PropTypes.array

  @trackProductClicked() // Expects second arg of function to be product
  onItemClick(event, product) {
    // Do nothing, Link component handles routing

  render() {
    const { products } = this.props;
    return (
      <CatalogGrid products={products} onItemClick={this.onItemClick} />

Segment events and data mappings

Product list viewed event

Data for the Segment e-commerce event Product List Viewed, will require values from a CatalogItemProduct and CatalogItemVariant.

  // ID of the list being viewed. Should be a tag id or home if it's the homepage
  list_id: "",

  // Name of tag or Home
  category: "",

  // An array of products
  products: [
      // Product id
      product_id: product._id,

      // SKU
      sku: product.sku,

      // First tag
      category: product.tags.edges[0],

      // Title of top level product
      name: product.title,

      // Vendor field from the top-level product
      brand: product.vendor,

      // Not used. Products in the grid do not have an associated variant
      variant: undefined,

      // Price using the minimum price
      // Where index 0, should be the index of the pricing object related to the currency for this product or shop
      price: product.pricing[0].minPrice,

      // Quantity not available via GraphQL API
      // Set to 1 as a default
      quantity: 1

      // Coupons not available via GraphQL API
      coupon: null,

      // Products only have currency based on shop

      // Not used. Products in the catalog currently don't have a concrete position
      position: undefined,

      // Value based off of the proeduct min price multiplied by quantity (variant.price * quantity)
      // In this case, use `product.pricing.price` as there is only 1 for the quantity
      // Where index 0, should be the index of the pricing object related to the currency for this product or shop
      value: product.pricing[0].minPrice,

      // Use router to generate the product url
      url: "",

      // Primary image from product
      image_url: product.primaryImage.URLs.original

Product viewed event

Data for the Segment e-commerce event Product Viewed, will require values from a CatalogItemProduct and CatalogItemVariant.

  // ID of top-level product
  product_id: product._id,

  // SKU
  sku: product.sku,

  // First tag
  category: product.tags.edges[0],

  // Title of top level product
  name: product.title,

  // Vendor field from the top-level product
  brand: product.vendor,

  // Varaint Id
  variant: variant.variantId,

  // Price from variant
  price: variant.price,

  // Quantity not available via GraphQL API
  // Set to 1 as a default
  quantity: 1

  // Coupons not available via GraphQL API
  coupon: null,

  // Products only have currency based on shop
  currency: shop.currency,

  // Position based off of variant index
  position: variant.index,

  // Value based off of variant price multiplied by quantity (variant.price * quantity)
  // In this case, use `variant.price` as there is only 1 for the quantity
  value: variant.price,

  // Use router to get current url
  url: router.pathname,

  // Primary image from product
  image_url: product.primaryImage.URLs.original

Product clicked event

Data for the Segment e-commerce event Product Clicked, will require values from a CatalogItemProduct.

  // Product id
  product_id: product._id,

  // SKU
  sku: product.sku,

  // First tag
  category: product.tags.edges[0],

  // Title of top level product
  name: product.title,

  // Vendor field from the top-level product
  brand: product.vendor,

  // Not used at the moment. Products clicked from the grid do not have an associated variant.
  variant: undefined,

  // Price using the minimum price
  // Where index 0, should be the index of the pricing object related to the currency for this product or shop
  price: product.pricing[0].minPrice,

  // Quantity not available via GraphQL API
  // Set to 1 as a default
  quantity: 1

  // Coupons not available via GraphQL API
  coupon: null,

  // Products only have currency based on shop

  // Not used. Products in the catalog currently don't have a concrete position
  position: undefined,

  // Value based off of the product min price multiplied by quantity (variant.price * quantity)
  // In this case, use `product.pricing.price` as there is only 1 for the quantity
  // Where index 0, should be the index of the pricing object related to the currency for this product or shop
  value: product.pricing[0].minPrice,

  // Use router to generate the product url
  url: "",

  // Primary image from product
  image_url: product.primaryImage.URLs.original