Parachains on Polkadot are extensible elements that can be plugged into the relay chain as validatable, globally coherent data structure.
Powerplay is a cross-chain network for the exchange of functions like data or promises.
To run and deploy your own instance of the Powerplay, ensure you have Rust installed. Here's how to get started:
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt autoremove
curl -sSf | sh
rustup install nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
sudo apt install make clang pkg-config libssl-dev
git clone
cd powerplay
cargo build
cd collator
After you make changes in src/
& collator/src/
, recompile the contract with:
cargo build
cargo run
Download wasm binaries for the parachain to the local machine:
scp parachain:¬/powerplay/tests/res/powerplay.wasm ¬Downloads/adder.wasm --projects-development-225311
Polkadot provides various JavaScript utilities and libraries for interacting with the network. The best way to deploy your parachain is through the Polkadot Portal.
- Choose a network to deploy to - Polkadot (Live, hosted by Web3 Foundation) is recommended. You can also deploy to a custom end-point.
- Create your account and back up your keys (obviously)
- On the extrinsic tab submit the
function - Select
registerPara(id, info, code, initial head data)
- Add your
. Get this from your the powerplay.wasm file - Finally,
Submit Transaction
for parachain to be registered. This will cost about 10 Dot.