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III. Distributed Programs as Ambients {distributed-programs-as-ambients}

The Ambients protocol defines both a programming model for distributed programs and a peer-to-peer distribution and computation network to run and share them. The programming model translates programs to a process-algebraic representation of distributed computation, which captures the meaning and expected behavior of a program when run in a distributed network, ensuring safety.

In this section we describe:

Programming Model

The purpose of the programming model is to define an unambiguous translation between programs that developers write and executables that can be deployed, run, and shared in the Ambients network. This translation must retain the original meaning of the programs, which means that regardless of whether an Ambients program is run locally or remotely in the network, the evaluation must have the same end result. To achieve a deterministic end result, the programming model is based around pure and total functions which are evaluated to immutable values.

Values are like facts [58] in that they don't change. Immutable values are important in distributed systems because it's the content which differentiates a value from another, not where they are located. This property makes content-addressing possible in systems like Git [26] or IPFS [29] where values can be safely propagated and addressed around the system with negligible coordination overhead. For this reason, immutable values are the basis of Ambients programs as well.

Functions are pure if their evaluation is deterministic and does not affect any other evaluation outside themselves. Functions are total if they evaluate for all possible arguments, which also means that they must terminate. The Ambients programming model follows the total functional programming paradigm [62] and only allows programs to have pure and total functions.

Having a pure and total functional programming model has some powerful benefits [11]. Most importantly, pure functions can be evaluated independently, in isolation, with no side-effects. Therefore, there can be no shared state between two pure functions, making them naturally concurrent and well-suited for distributed programming. Also, if the program is a function expression, which contains only pure function calls, then the expression is referentially transparent. A referentially transparent function expression can simply be replaced with a computed value with no adverse consequences. Its behavior can be analyzed and verified with equational reasoning [19]. Compilers can optimize pure functions using effective techniques such as memoizing, and subexpression elimination.

However, the total functional programming model has some significant constraints. Because of the termination requirement, not every arbitrary program can be expressed using a total function. This excludes general-purpose programs with common features such as infinite loops and unbounded recursion. This is the main limitation of the Ambients programming model, and overcoming this limitation would require a solution to the halting problem. On the other hand, restricting the program expressivity this way lets total functional program behavior be verifiable in the first place. The totality of a functional program means that there will be no runtime errors [61] - if the program compiles, it is proven to work with any input, and evaluating the program will always terminate with deterministic value. Finally, as research on total functional programming [62] has shown, there are various paths forward to introduce more expressivity while ensuring the totality, like allowing structural recursion for finite data and modeling infinite evaluation with corecursion over coinductive codata. Those paths are a part of ongoing research on the Ambients protocol.

Any program that can be modeled with total functions and immutable values becomes compliant with the programming model of the Ambients protocol, and therefore can be compiled to a distributed program. However, to safely execute the distributed programs the execution itself (i.e. each step of the program) needs to be verifiable. To achieve this, we must define a formal model of distributed computation.

Process Algebra

Distributed systems are complex systems. Concurrency is key for building efficient, scalable systems, but it is also largely responsible for their complexity. Unexpected behaviors may appear even from the simplest interactions. It is next to impossible to test that distributed systems work properly. Even if we could observe the behavior of the whole distributed system reliably (we can not), there are endless number of different states and combinations of actions that network participants are dealing with. This is the reason for modeling distributed systems formally, as having a mathematical framework makes it possible to verify the correct behavior in all system states.

Correct-by-construction [7] is a design philosophy recently popularized by the CBC Casper [16] proof-of-concept. Things that are designed to be correct-by-construction use mathematical abstractions to model the thing itself and to prove its correctness. The implementation of a thing, then, needs to match the mathematical model for it to be considered correctly constructed.

There are multiple frameworks for modeling distributed computation. For example, Petri nets are a well-researched and well-suited tool for modeling the nondeterminism of concurrent behavior in static networks. The Actor model is a natural model for systems relying on asynchronous message passing with simple rules.

In the Ambients protocol, however, distributed programs are designed to be correct-by-construction by modeling their execution with an algebraic model known generally as process algebra.

Process algebra is a family of algebraic approaches for modeling distributed computation. Process-algebraic expressions describe a concurrent system using independent processes as terms and interactions between processes as operators. This works as a model of distributed computation because independent, parallel processes capture the nondeterministic behavior, and interactions between them become computations with well-defined reduction rules. The most significant benefit of an algebraic approach is that it makes equational reasoning possible. This is important not only for proving correctness, but also for ensuring the computability of the program, which is crucial for a total functional programming model (as previously discussed).

For example, proving the correct behavior of a distributed system is possible by modeling the system as a labeled transition system, which consists of system states and transitions between those states [63]. Process algebras define a labeled transition system where reduction rules of the algebra constrain the transitions between states. This forms a rule system for transitions between computation states, making various functional verification and analysis methods possible:

  • Reachability analysis - ensuring that confidential information can only be shared between trusted parties during computation
  • Specification matching - ensuring that third-party computation is equivalent with expected result
  • Model checking - ensuring that logical propositions are true between any state changes

Various process algebras have been devised over the years, like CSP and Ο€-calculus, all with characteristic properties. The ambient calculus is a process algebra with distinct properties that make it the most suitable modeling framework for the Ambients protocol (and inspired the name of the protocol, too).

Ambient Calculus

Ambient calculus, invented by Luca Cardelli and Andrew D. Gordon in their 1998 paper "Mobile Ambients" [40], introduced the concept of mobile ambients. The original ambient calculus has inspired many variants such as Boxed Ambients [13], Push and Pull Ambients [43], and Virtually Timed Ambients [2], which all extend the original algebra for various purposes. The Ambients protocol uses a variant called Robust Ambients (ROAM) [38] because of its safe, expressive, and intuitive co-capabilities and reduction rules.

We introduce the ambient calculus concepts along with a textual syntax for ROAM, which is used in examples throughout this paper. The same syntax is parseable by the AmbIcobjs-tool [8], which can be used to simulate the ambient programs and explore their properties and behavior.

It should be noted that as ROAM calculus is used as a model of distributed computation, all ROAM expressions presented with the textual syntax in this paper should be considered as human-readable representations of generated programs, not human-writable Ambients program source code. Full-scale, real-world Ambients programs, represented as ambient calculus expressions, grow too large to display in this paper and we will focus on introducing simplest building blocks that compose to bigger programs. These representations and their dynamics are useful for understanding the basis of guarantees that the Compilation Model and the Execution Model provide later in this paper.

Ambient Calculus Syntax

P,Q ::=
composition of parallel processes P and Q
ambient n with nested process P
wait for action M before continuing as process P
M ::=
capabilities and co-capabilities (actions)
in n
can enter ambient n
in_ n
allow ambient n to enter
out n
can exit ambient n
out_ n
allow ambient n to exit
open n
can open ambient n
can be opened

The curious reader is advised to check the full details of the syntax in the Mobile Ambients [40] and Robust Ambients [38] papers.

Ambient - The Computation Container

The ambient is the fundamental computation abstraction in ambient calculus. It is a computation container, with well-defined boundaries that separate an ambient from other ambients and isolate its internal computation from the outside world. Being enclosed inside an ambient, the computation has an unambiguous execution context and is not influenced by anything that happens outside the ambient. This means that the ambient calculus can model systems where programs need to have deterministic outcomes, regardless of their execution location, and can also track how and where programs are being distributed during execution.

Ambients are addressed by name. Every ambient has a name, which is used to control and authorize all actions, access, and behavior of the ambient. Two distinct ambients can share a name, which is a powerful property when modeling non-deterministic behavior of parallel processes (we'll discuss why this is so powerful in the later chapters). Once an ambient is created, there's no way to change its name while it exists, which means that names are unforgeable. Because of this integrity guarantee, ambient names can carry deeper meaning than just being an identifier. For example, the Ambients protocol uses names to specify type information in data structures. Using the ROAM syntax, the ambient expression describing an ambient is simply:


Here a is a name of the ambient and the square brackets define the boundaries of the ambient, everything inside them is isolated from other ambients outside a.

As a container, ambients form a spatial structure where they can be composed in parallel or in a hierarchy. Each ambient has an unambiguous location and an ambient can exist in parallel to other ambients or inside another ambient. Each ambient is isolated from the outside world, and therefore has no knowledge of their surrounding ambients, but they are aware of nested ambients inside them. An ambient expression describing this structure is written (in ROAM syntax) as:

a[ b[] ] | c[]

Here a[...], b[] and c[] are all distinct ambients, where a[...] | c[] is a parallel composition of ambients a and c, and a[ b[] ] is a hierarchical composition of ambients a and b.

Composing ambients in such a way has powerful consequences for modeling distributed processes and inter-process relationships, because every ambient is always located either in the same or in a parallel hierarchy with any other ambient. This insight allows different evaluation strategies to be applied to differentiate when a computation is remote or local: when two ambients are composed in parallel, they are remote to each other, whereas a nested ambient is local to its enclosing ambient.

These are all examples of immobile ambients. The distributed system they model is also immutable. Immobile ambients are considered to be equivalent to immutable values of the Ambients programming model. The equivalence of ambients is important because referential transparency in a programming model can be verified using equivalence relations, like structural congruence and bisimilarity, which are formally provided by the ambient calculus. This guarantees that immobile ambients represent computations that are safely replaceable by immutable values during the evaluation and that the ambient expressions modeling a program (which is guaranteed to terminate), will reduce to an immobile ambient expression.

Ambient Capabilities

Having static and immobile ambient structures is not enough to model distributed computation. In the ambient calculus, ambients can contain not only other ambients but also capabilities. Capabilities can be characterized as instructions how to react with other ambients and as a controlled way to communicate over the ambient boundaries. The ROAM calculus extended the original ambient calculus with co-capabilities for additional control. Co-capabilities are dual to capabilities in that for every instruction to change or move an ambient, there must be a corresponding authorization, the co-capability, for a change or movement to happen.

First, the in capability and its in_ co-capability define the interaction between two parallel ambients where one ambient is entering the other. This means that the following reduction (denoted by the arrow β†’) of an ambient expression can take place:

  a[in b] | b[in_ a]
β†’           b[ a[] ]

The above can be interpreted as a program of "if a is entering b and b is allowing a to enter, then a moves inside b". It's important to note that this reduction or computation step, as per the ambient calculus reduction rules, requires that both in and in_ are consumed at the same logical time. In other words, the reduction is not complete and the computation step doesn't happen until both ambients have changed.

Second, the out capability and its out_ co-capability define the interaction between the enclosing and nested ambients where the nested ambient exits the enclosing one. This means that the following reduction of an ambient expression can take place:

  b[a[out b]|out_ a]
β†’ b[               ] | a[]

The above can be interpreted as a program of "if a is exiting b and b is allowing a to leave, then a moves out of b as a parallel ambient". Again, for the reduction to be fully complete and the computation step to happen, it's required that both the out capability and the out_ co-capability are consumed at the same time.

Finally, the open capability and its open_ co-capability define the interaction between the enclosing and nested ambient where the enclosing ambient "opens the container" by removing the boundary of the target ambient, which exposes everything inside its boundaries to the surrounding ambients. In a way, the opened ambient is dissolved. This means that the following reduction of an ambient expression can take place:

  a[b[open_|c[]]|open b]
β†’ a[        c[]        ]

Here the reduction can be interpreted as "if a wants to open b and b allows this, then b and its boundaries disappear and everything inside b becomes nested inside a". Again, both the open capability and the open_ co-capability must be consumed before the reduction is complete and the computation step can happen. Notably, the open_ co-capability doesn't need a target because the enclosing ambient is the only one that can open it.

Capabilities and co-capabilities can also be defined in paths, which models the computation steps that need to be executed sequentially. Consider the following example of an ambient expression and its reduction:

  a[in c] | b[in c] | c[in_ a.in_ d] | d[in_ c]
β†’           b[in c] | c[in_ d | a[]] | d[in_ c]
β†’                     c[in d | b[] | a[]] | d[in_ c]
β†’                                           d[c[b[] | a[]]]

In the above example, the initial path expression in_ a.in_ d of ambient c can be read as "first let a enter, then let b enter, then enter d". Path sequences are an essential tool for controlling non-determinism in the concurrent ambient expressions. For example, if the above example was defined using a parallel composition of capabilities instead of sequential path:

a[in c] | b[in c] | c[in_ a|in_ b|in d] | d[in_ c]

the first reduction and computation step would be a non-deterministic choice of the following:

#1: β†’         b[in c]|c[a[]  |in_ b|in d]|d[in_ c]
#2: β†’ a[in c]        |c[in_ a| b[] |in d]|d[in_ c]
#3: β†’ a[in c]|b[in c]                    |d[c[in_ a|in_ b]]

where the third option is a deadlock situation in which a and b are unable to be computed further.

Co-capabilities, which the ROAM calculus introduced, are expressive enough to model situations where concurrent processes are competing over limited resources. Like in all distributed systems, this competition has a non-deterministic outcome. As mentioned earlier, having ambients with the same name allows modeling non-deterministic behavior in parallel processes which can be observed in an ambient expression:

  a[in b|c[]] | a[in b|d[]] | b[in_ a]
β†’ a[in b|c[]] |               b[a[d[]]]
β†’               a[in b|d[]] | b[a[c[]]]

In the above example, there are two a ambients entering b which has only one in_ co-capability to be consumed, so this expression can non-deterministically reduce to either a[in b|c[]] | b[a[d[]]] or a[in b|d[]] | b[a[c[]]]. Ambients with same name are a cause of interference, which generally means there are unwanted, unpredictable side-effects of non-determinism when modeling distributed computations. These side-effects can range from security issues [38] to distributability issues [44]. The Ambients protocol mitigates these issues on model-level by minimizing the chance of interference by defining computation primitives based on the ROAM calculus, and during runtime with execution model construction guarantees, which enforce unique identifiers for distinct ambients.

In conclusion, the capabilities and co-capabilities transform ambients from static, immobile and immutable structures representing values to dynamic, mobile and mutable structures representing computations. As the Ambient programming model is based on functions that are guaranteed to terminate, any ambient that reduces to a value ambient is considered to be equivalent to a function execution.

Protocol Primitives

Not all mobile ambients seem to be translatable to values and functions in a way that makes sense for programs. For example, what kind of function would a mobile ambient a[in b] represent, or what kind of value does hello[] represent? We realize that to model actual values and functions and to compose them to full-blown programs, there needs be some transformation between the calculus and features present in programming models, like function arguments, evaluation scopes, data types etc. The Ambients protocol introduces a set of protocol primitives which provide a translation from programming constructs to an encoding of a program as ROAM expressions.

In the Ambients protocol, values are the elementary construct to which all computations reduce. In other words, the result of every computation in Ambients, is a value. The computations are represented by protocol primitives which consist of computation primitives and distribution primitives.

Protocol primitives are ambients which have special purpose in all Ambients programs. They are designed to assist remote and local computations with eventually converging to their final result. We define the following four primitives to encode programs as ambients:

  • func-ambient, which creates a distributable computational context for function evaluation
  • arg-ambient, which transfers values and functions between computational contexts
  • call-ambient, which initiates function evaluation sequences
  • return-ambient, which redirects remote or local code to a computational context where evaluation happens

Next, we'll define what values are in Ambients as they define the ultimate result of all protocol primitives - to encode a distributed program as a function that reduces to a value. We will then continue to define the protocol primitives.


Values in the Ambients protocol are ambients that cannot be changed, which also means that all values in the protocol are immutable.

Informally, an ambient is a value if it doesn't have any capabilities or co-capabilities and all its nested ambients are values as well. Consider the following two examples of this distinction:

  • string[hello[]] is a value because it can't be reduced any further
  • string[hello[]|open_] is not a value, because while string does contain the value hello, the expression can be reduced further (the existence of open_ co-capability)

Even though string[hello[]] is a value and can't be directly manipulated, it can be moved around if it's inside another ambient. This is an important distinction that allows values to be encapsulated into other ambients for operations, such as transformations, distribution, building persistent data structures, or signifying types, while the value itself stays immutable.

Evaluation of values just in terms of process algebra is limited. The protocol primitives do not offer any equivalence relation with structurally different but semantically similar values. This means that, for example, even if intuitively string[hello[]] equals the string literal "hello", the encoded programs cannot combine string[hello[]] with string[world[]] in any meaningful way to form string[helloworld[]] to represent its string literal "helloworld". Instead, equivalence is expressed by encoding programs so that they reduce to deterministic values which have a deterministic runtime interpretation. Programs may reduce either simple values like string[helloworld[]] or structured value expressions, like monoids such as string[concat[left[string[hello[]]]|right[string[world[]]]]]. The real equivalence of these value expressions is determined at runtime, as defined by the Execution Model. Because the runtime interpretation is required to be deterministic, it gives a deterministic real-world meaning to every Ambients value expression. This means that the Ambients protocol as a whole can guarantee the equivalence of program encodings "hello" + "world" and "helloworld", which is needed for referential transparency.

The concept of a value as an algebraic expression, and its deterministic evaluation, is the core of the ambients program encoding. The Ambients Programming Model requires that programs must be pure, deterministic and total. To interpret these requirements as algebraic expressions, all programs must always reduce to a value, that is, they finish and terminate. In addition, the expressions must reduce to the same value for the same inputs, that is, they're pure and deterministic. In the next section we introduce core computation primitives which are used to encode functions that eventually reduce to values.

Computation Primitives

The Ambients Programming Model ensures that all programs will terminate, which means that their eventual end result is an immutable value. When encoding programs as Ambients, the final result is represented by an immobile ambient. However, being distributed and possibly highly parallel, the Ambients programs have inherent, unavoidable non-determinism, which becomes a problem when the programming model requires that programs have deterministic outputs. At the same time, programs are expected to be composable. In order to have safe, composable and deterministic encoding and evaluation of programs, the Ambients protocol defines two primitives called func and arg.

Computation Context: func

The func primitive defines a computational context for function evaluation. It establishes an evaluation scope and its behavior is similar to the widely established concept of function scoping.

Having a designated primitive for an evaluation scope allows Ambients programs to define parallel and sequential control flows that always converge to a deterministic value. As an ambient, func can be safely distributed as it isolates the computation inside it from other ambients, i.e. it preserves the integrity of its internal computation. In practice, this means that the runtime environment can use different evaluation strategies to decide whether a computation is evaluated locally or remotely (i.e. composed as either nested or parallel funcs) or as a mix of both, and to track and verify the state of the computation with less complexity, in real time.

Informally, a func for a function x is defined as:

func[in_ x.open_]

Here, the func primitive defines three, logically sequential phases:

  1. Initiate the evaluation scope by allowing computation x to enter it with in_ x. This scope creates a safe addressing space for x, protected and isolated from other parallel computations outside func.
  2. Evaluate the computation x by opening it with open x.
  3. Reveal the computation result to the outside by allowing itself to be opened with open_.

The func above is fully reduced by the following steps (result[] representing an ad hoc computation result of x):

  func[in_ x.open_] | x[in func.open_|result[]] |
  open func
β†’ func[x[open_|result[]] | open x.open_] | open func
β†’ func[result[] | open_]  | open func
β†’ result[]

Computation Parameter: arg

The arg primitive is used with func to transfer values and functions between ambients before their evaluation. This is how the protocol models function expressions with arguments. The arg primitive defines the argument binding procedure between parameters that are declared by functions, and arguments that are passed to functions in function expressions.

Informally, arg acts as a container for an argument x to transfer it to a func to be evaluated as parameter y:

arg[in_ y.open_] |
y[in_ func.open_]

Here, the arg primitive defines the binding between the argument x and the parameter y in three, logically sequential phases:

  1. The arg waits for an argument x, then evaluates it, and finally moves inside the parameter y to be evaluated.
  2. The parameter y waits for an arg, then evaluates it, and finally moves inside a func to be evaluated.
  3. When the parameter y is opened inside func, it will evaluate to whatever value or function the argument x originally contained.

The composite expression above is fully reduced to a func ready for evaluation by the following steps (where input[] represent an ad hoc value of input x):

  arg[in_ y.open_] | x[in arg.open_|input[]] |
  y[in_ func.open_] |
  func[in_ y.open_]
β†’ arg[open y.open_ | x[open_|input[]] ] |
  y[in_ func.open_] |
  func[in_ y.open_]
β†’ arg[in y.open_|input[]] |
  y[in_ func.open_] |
  func[in_ y.open_]
β†’ y[open func.open_|arg[open_|input[]]] |
  func[in_ y.open_]
β†’ y[in func.open_|input[]] |
  func[in_ y.open_]
β†’ func[open y.open_ | y[open_|input[]]]
β†’ func[open_ | input[]]

Function Expressions With func and arg

With just func and arg primitives, we can express all pure functions. The general rule for defining function expression is to compose the function declaration with the function evaluation. This simply means composing two funcs - the declaration-site which declares the parameter and the call-site which passes the argument - and an arg to bind the argument to a parameter between the two funcs.

For example, a function expression message("hello") is a composition of the function definition message(x) which declares the parameter x

  in func.open_|
    x[in_ message.open_]|
    message[in_ x]|
    in_ arg.open_

and the function evaluation which passes the value string[hello[]] as an argument:

  in_ func.open_|
    in x.open_|
open func

Composing these together reduces the whole program to a value:


To analyze the function encodings in general, let's categorize the encodable functions by their return type and the number of parameters they have.

Functions that expect zero parameters are constant functions, which means that they always evaluate to the same result. Constant functions returning values are used when values need to be transformed to a function-form, e.g. as arguments to generic functions. Constant functions that return functions are the basis for locally evaluated functions. For example, JavaScript function () => "hello" can be encoded simply as a composition of the function definition and an evaluation without argument binding:

open func

Functions that expect more than zero parameters are generally ones that do more computation. Single-argument functions that return values are necessary for expressing transformations from input to output value. Single-argument functions that return functions enable currying, which is how functions with more than one argument can be expressed.

Distribution Primitives

The computation primitives encode distributed programs as ROAM expressions representing functions. In addition to function definition and evaluation, distribution of the functions is crucial for the protocol. The Ambients protocol defines two primitives, call and return, for controlled, safe, and modular distribution of programs and data.

Request Computation: call

The call primitive allows functions to call other functions which may be local or remote. Therefore, invoking a call can be seen as a starting point for distributing computational workload in any program.

Informally, a function x, which calls function y, creates a call primitive defined as:

call[out y.open_]

Here, the call primitive has three sequential phases:

  1. Exit function x with out x.
  2. Enter function y with in y.
  3. Reveal the call payload to the function y by allowing call to be opened with open_.

The call above is fully reduced by the following steps (where payload[] represents an ad hoc computation payload):

  x[call[out y.open_|payload[]] | out_ call] |
  y[in_ call]
β†’ x[] | call[in y.open_|payload[]] | y[in_ call]
β†’ x[] | y[call[open_|payload[]] | open call]
β†’ x[] | y[payload[]]

return is commonly used as a payload for call. The payload can also contain args, which enables partial or remote-only evaluation strategies.

Return Computation: return

The purpose of the return primitive is to include the needed instructions in a call to move the program control back to the caller, along with a result or remaining computation. Moving the control and the result back to the caller makes the evaluation of remote function possible as it's similar to the programming concept of replacing a function expression with a return value. The return primitive also enables declaration of functions in ROAM expression in a way that decouples them from any potential caller.

Informally, a return which moves the control back to a function x is defined as:

return[ x]

The previous example, where the payload is replaced with a return primitive, is fully reduced by the following steps:

    call[out y.open_|return[ x]]|
    out_ call.in_ y
  ] |
  y[in_ return]
β†’ x[in_ y] | call[in y.open_|return[ x]] |
  y[in_ return]
β†’ x[in_ y] |
  y[call[open_|return[ x]]|open return]
β†’ x[in_ y] | y[return[ x]|open return]
β†’ x[in_ y] | y[in x]
β†’ x[y[]]

Here, the usage of return within call defines a logically sequential sequence, in addition to call handling:

  1. After sending out the call to y, function x allows y to enter with in_ y.
  2. After opening the call, function y opens the return primitive, which reveals the in x capability, making y to enter x for further evaluation. Due to the sequential out_ call.in_ y definition, any y will be authorized to enter x only once and after the call to y has moved out of x.

Because of this mechanism, the function y is unaware and fully decoupled from the caller x during the whole sequence, until it processes the call and the nested return and adopts the in x capability that redirects it back to the call-site x. Making the function y itself move, instead of creating some transient ambient representing a "return value", is a deliberate design choice which enables a variety of distributed evaluation strategies.

Evaluation Strategies

With the call and return primitives, compilers and VMs can safely use different strategies on how programs access functions and whether the programs are evaluated locally or remotely. This procedure is related to the concept of partially applied functions.

To analyze the strategies, let's consider the example JavaScript function const plus = (a, b) => a + b which can be called with plus(1, 2). In JavaScript, the function can be transformed to an equivalent, but partially applicable function const plus = (a) => (b) => a + b which can be called with plus(1)(2). The choice of returning functions instead of values is the basis for different distributed evaluation strategies.

A common pattern is local evaluation of a remote function, where a remotely defined func is moved to the local scope with call and return primitives and initiated with a local arg argument. Following the JavaScript example, this would be equivalent to a const plus = () => (a, b) => a + b. Partial and fully remote evaluation strategies rely on requiring the caller to include args for all or some of the function parameters within call before a function "returns", i.e. opens the return primitive.

Choosing between different evaluation strategies is a trade-off between performance and control. Local-only function evaluation relies on moving the function back to the caller once, after which it can be called repeatedly with different arguments, locally without network access. Fully remote function evaluation allows the remote function itself to control the function evaluation, similar to how the client-server and request-response based protocols work.

Ultimately, the choice whether to return a function is made by the declaring function itself and not the caller. Similarly, the available evaluation strategy options are controlled by the declaration-site. However, because all functions in the Ambients protocol are pure and total and programs are referentially transparent, the same function will return the same value when inputs are the same. This helps the execution runtime to cache functions locally and use the local evaluation more and more over time.

Computation Abstractions

With just functions and values, it is possible to compose some very useful and universal higher-level abstractions using the computation primitives. In the following sections we describe how the protocol uses ambients and the computation primitives discussed in the previous chapter to define:

  • Types for having safer and more efficient computations
  • Monoids which represent data structures that are combined from other similarly typed data structures
  • Functors which represent data structures that describe transformations between differently typed data structures


Data types are one of the most useful abstractions for data structures and computations. There's a huge body of research studying the types and type systems in programming languages. To be able to generate efficient and safe executables, practically all established programming language compilers and runtimes rely on information about the type of data. We propose a simple but effective way to define type information in the Ambients protocol.

The protocol uses value ambients in an effective way to represent types: the type is identified by the name of the ambient. This is similar to nominal type systems where equality of types is based on name or signature. For example, a string literal:


can be represented as an ambient:


Informally, hello could be seen as a program which returns some immutable binary value and string as a program which decodes that binary value to a human-readable text.

The name of the type in itself isn't meaningful, however. To execute distributed programs like these, there needs to be both a common understanding what a type such as string means in the runtime environment, and a way to verify the type safety based on that data.

First, to establish the agreement about the meaning of types, the protocol runtime introduces a collection of commonly available primitive data types as a part of the runtime environment. This is discussed in detail in the Execution Model chapter.

Second, to do any type checking for the data, it needs to be in a verifiable state. This is why the name of the ambient is a meaningful type name only when it has reduced to its final state, a value ambient. Values are the end result of converged distributed computation whereas non-values are ongoing computations with non-observable and distributed state, and therefore their evaluation and consequent type checking would be non-deterministic.

Linking ambients to types has some useful properties. First, just like ambient names, the type information cannot be erased or forged in runtime which is important for type-based optimization and verification. Second, an ambient can only exist in one place at a time and cannot be copied. This makes ambient-based type system a linear type system. Linear types have been previously researched [34] as an effective way to implement fast memory management, because they make tracking the ownership of data and resources easier. In our ongoing research, we are looking into taking advantage of this to allow protocol implementations to mitigate real-world issues like implementing safe and scalable DAG compaction and garbage collection in content-addressed systems.

Types and type systems can greatly increase the safety of distributed programs with low amortized overhead and we believe the expressiveness, ergonomics, and safety of the ambient types can be improved in the future.


Data is a computation in itself. For example, when application or database state is considered as an accumulated history of state changes in the right order, the current state at any given time is the result of a computation that reduces all of the state changes into a single data structure. Some data structures and the operations on them are algebraic structures called monoids.

Monoids are abstractions that are universally occurring everywhere in programming. A combination of a data and binary operation is a monoid if the operation's parameter types and return types are equal, the operation is associative, and there's an "identity element", like an empty value which is a starting point for the monoidal structure. For example, the following are monoids:

  • Natural number addition (0 as an identity element)
  • Natural number multiplication (1 as an identity element)
  • String concatenation (empty string as an identity element)
  • Committing a database transaction (commit as the binary function for merging two database "versions" to a new database "version", with the empty database as an identity element)

Monoids are useful because they are the abstraction for data structure composition. With monoids we can safely compose a new data structure from two existing data structures of the same kind. Because of this, they are useful in composing distributed programs.l

For this purpose, in the Ambients Protocol a monoid is described as a hierarchical value ambient structure, which retains the associativity of monoidal operations. Consider the string concatenation monoid as an example:

  in_ call.(
        in_ concat
        in_ concat
        concat[in_ left|in_ right]|
        in_ left|in_ right
    open return.open_

The hierarchical structure of the monoid is constructed by:

  • string_concat, which represents the + function for two strings (the binary function), expecting left and right as arguments and which reduces to a string ambient containing a:
  • concat, which represents the hierarchical structure, with left and right retaining the associative order. Here, the concat, left, and right are common operations for string, provided by the Execution Model

By using the computation primitives, these ambients reduce to immutable values describing the string concatenation operation of left and right values.

For example, the expression "a" + "b" reduces the ambients to a final value:


And the expression ("a" + "b") + "c" reduces the ambients to a final value:


Note how the structure of "a" + "b" remains immutable, i.e. the same in both examples, which is important for building monoidal structures efficiently.

With this machinery, the whole monoid computation retains the closure and associativity properties needed for being a monoid. As the end result is defined entirely in terms of primitive types and common operations of the Execution Model, the value expression is referentially transparent and its evaluation is deterministic for all participants in the network.


Like monoids, functors are prevalent higher-order abstractions that appear almost everywhere in functional programming. Informally, a functor represents anything that can be mapped over. It is an abstract data structure which provides a way to map, i.e. transform a data structure and the data it contains, to a new similar data structure.

For instance, arrays are a good example of functors. In JavaScript, we can write [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * 2) which is a mapping from an array of ints to another array of ints. This transformation function can map integers to anything, but the array functor makes sure the internal structure, i.e. the order of elements, is preserved. Many familiar data structures for arbitrary data like pairs, trees, or lists are examples of functors.

The power of functors come from its properties that originate from category theory. Most importantly they obey the composition law [25]. In JavaScript, it means ["a", "bb"].map(x => x.length * 2) is equal to ["a", "bb"].map(x => x.length).map(x => x*2). As compositionality is a key property and requirement for the protocol, it is important to be able to encode functors as computation primitives as well, adding to the abilities to compose data structures from other data structures.

Let's use the identity-functor [57] as an example, because it is a single-element container for arbitrary data, which makes it a functor without any internal structure. Therefore retaining the internal structure is a simple no-operation and we can focus just on transforming of the data. We observe there are four functions contributing to this mapping sequence in the example found in our examples-repository:

  • identity which defines the structure
  • map_identity which defines the mapping "implementation" function for identity structure, expecting execution arguments
    • func as a context for transformation function evaluation
    • id as the identity to map
  • string_length which defines the transformation function, expecting a single argument str as a string-value for constructing int[length[..]]-values
  • program itself which defines
    • identity[string[hello[]]] as the initial structure

Mapping an identity[string[hello[]]] to a new identity[int[length[string[hello[]]]]] by using the string_length transformation function is then achieved by composing the four functions together and applying the computation primitives:

  1. program first fetches the map_identity to its execution context, and evaluates it, which opens holes for arguments func and id.
  2. Then, program moves the initial identity[string[hello[]]] to the id-hole.
  3. Then, program fetches the string_length function to its execution context in parallel and moves it to the func-hole, where arg primitive is used to transfer data from initial identity functor to str-hole of string_length, the last open hole in execution context.
  4. When all the open holes in execution context are filled, the context is ready for evaluation.

After the execution context func is evaluated, the program reduces to the expected final value of a new functor:


This same machinery can be adapted to implement more useful functors like pairs, lists, and trees as well. Many of these are provided to the programs by the protocol runtime environment described in the Execution Model.

Computational abstractions, like functors and monoids, are good examples of the expressiveness of the programming model that Ambients protocol and its computation primitives create. However, as discussed in the programming model section, there are algorithms and data structures that cannot be implemented given the intentionally constrained programming model which limits the expressiveness. Later in this paper we discuss the future directions for Ambients protocol research, to have more expressive computation primitives and new computational abstractions, and to make more powerful runtime optimizations possible while still retaining the verifiable properties of the protocol.