Tags: recp/cglm
Toggle v0.9.6's commit message
build: add missing call/aabb2d.h
Toggle v0.9.5's commit message
Merge pull request #413 from recp/optimize-inv
WIP: More Optimizations and SIMD fixes for MSVC & ARM
Toggle v0.9.4's commit message
Merge pull request #412 from recp/sse_only
separate SSE and SSE2
Toggle v0.9.3's commit message
normalize: norm == 0.0f to norm < FLT_EPSILON, improving handling of …
…very small vectors to prevent instability and overflow
Toggle v0.9.2's commit message
Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
Merge pull request #340 from recp/non-square-matrix
add some missing non-square matrix funcs
Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
Toggle v0.8.9's commit message
Merge pull request #276 from recp/cmake-fix-buildtype
cmake: prevent overriding CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE if it is subdirectory
Toggle v0.8.8's commit message
Merge pull request #270 from suicvne/cglm-pc-fix-cmake
Toggle v0.8.7's commit message
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