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Unofficial Armbian for Makerbase MKS PI, MKS SKIPR and few more boards

TLTR: Unofficial Armbian images of Makerbase MKS PI, MKS SKIPR and several derivatives boards. Contains mkspi board configuration, related kernel and u-boot patches.
Unlike MKS images, these does not have pre-installed Klipper. You have to configure OS, Klipper and all related software from the scratch. However you would get up-to-dated OS, EU/US based package repositories and only official Armbian components.

ℹ please checkout a release page if you have MKS PI or MKS SKIPR board ℹ keep reading this page if you have QIDI X-4 and X-6 Mainboards, CANbus, ADXL345 or need to adjust PI-TS35 display ℹ in case you have Sovol SV06 or Sovol SV07 printers with MKS KLIPAD50 Vx.y board please visit mksklipad50 releases from @torte71 fork and check Inside Sovol KlipperScreen, Inside Sovol KlipperScreen::Armbian images and relathed discussion for the more details.

⚠️ WARNING absolutely no guarantees, you do everything at your own risk.

Bit of Liric

The MKS-PI and SKIPR specs look pretty good for the price and should be enought for most of 3D printing machines. Size of MKSPI-TS35 the same as some Ghost Flying Bear printers, so it may be considered as easy Klipper upgrade. However, the software and service support from the manufacturer is terrible.

There is no source code (yeah, GPL license, of course), no answer for questions/GitHub issues. Official images are based of EOL distro and have problems with some WIFI dongles. And who knows what else is hidden in there.

The idea was to build a normal Armbian image based on up-to-dated distro and kernel with posibility to install fresh instance of Klipper, KlipperScreen, Katapult you name it.

Please note:

  • Klipper, Fluid and other related components are not in the scope of this repo. Please see Klipper Installation And Update Helper (KIAUH) if you are interested in these topics.
  • The original patches were taken from the Makerbase armbian-build repository, this means you have to be mentally ready to see this mess "fast and dirty" approach. I do not have enough knowledge and time to organize this mess in the right way.
  • I do not have access to full MKS PI set and cannot test all features. Main goal is to have worked on the following component:
    • booting from microSD
    • MKSPI-TS35 TFT display (ideally with working touch screen :) )
    • worked HDMI output (video only)
    • USB ports, including USB 3 port
    • ADXL345 (SPI bus)
    • CAN bus for SKIPR board
  • Feel free to get involved in development, testing or hardware support if you are interested in additional features.
  • Release page has Ubuntu LTS and Debian LTS images. However only Ubuntu ones are tested.

Please check a few chapters bellow to get a few hints about typical configuration tasks (screen rotation, ADXL345 and CANbus configuration). A Technical Details section contains information which would be useful for adaptation of similar board or other DTS/kernel customizations.

Current status

Supported boards:

  • MKS PI - fully supported
  • MKS SKIPR - fully supported
  • QIDI X-4 and X-6 Mainboards (made by MKS for X-Plus 3 and X-Max 3) - partially supported. See FreeQIDI and #21 for more details.

MKS IPS50 LCD (with native 800x480 resolution) - supported starting from 0.3.1-24.2.0-trunk version. The screen must be connected before system boot. External monitors via HDMI - supported if sreen provides valid EDID data. In the case of non-standard resolutions, the functionality may be broken.

Starting with 0.3.2-24.2.0-trunk', a build-essential' and kernel header package are bundled into the image. It should simplify Klipper installation and custom kernel module building (e.g. WIFI modules like RTL8188GU (RTL8710B) one).

When the board boots from EMMC card and ADXL345 sensor is connected (SPI bus), MKSPI-TS35 TFT display may not work (white screen). Possible solutions workarounds:

  • boot from microSD card
  • short ADXL345 cables and reduce MKSPI-TS35 SPI bus clock speed
  • connect accelerometer sensor via USB, toolhead or any other "non SPI0" interface
  • connect ADXL345 board only when it's needed
  • use HDMI-connected display

The images should be ready for daily uages. Please check release page for more details and feel free to report an issue.

Please double check a How to Configure CAN Bus section if you are using the BTT EBB36 or similar CAN toolhead.

ADXL345/SPI Usage

TLTR: Do not forget about klipper_mcu installation.

Full version:

  • Step 0: Ensure spidev device exists. e.g. ls -al /dev/spi* should show /dev/spidev0.2 device file
  • Step 1: Install Klipper. E.g.
     cd ~
     git clone
    , then 1, 1, 1 and so on.
  • Step 2: Build and install klipper_mcu service
     # Build and install klipper_mcu binary
     cd ~/klipper/
     # In the menu, set "Microcontroller Architecture" to "Linux process," then save and exit.
     make menuconfig
     # Preapre klipper-mcu service 
     sudo ln -s $PWD/scripts/klipper-mcu.service /etc/systemd/system/
     sudo systemctl daemon-reload
     sudo systemctl enable klipper-mcu.service
     # Stop klipper service and install klipper-mcu binary file
     sudo service klipper stop
     make flash
     # Start klipper_mcu and klipper
     sudo systemctl start klipper-mcu klipper-mcu
     # Ensure everything is up and running
     sudo systemctl status klipper-mcu klipper
  • Step 3: Add adxl345 configuration to your printer.cfg

Package Updates via Apt Update

Please double check kernel packages are freezed before running apt update command. E.g. run sudo armbian-config and check System -> Freeze - Disable Armbian kernel updates item.

How to Rotate Screen

⚠️ WARNING starting from v1.0.0 DTS was renamed from rk3328-roc-cc to rk3328-mkspi. This means all files like /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dtb now renamed to /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb.

Sometimes you need to rotate the image on the screen, for example, when upgrading Flying Bear Ghost 5 printer. To do this you need to change value for rotate parameter under spi_for_lcd@0 section (configuration for the display) and use touchscreen-inverted-x = <0x01> and/or touchscreen-inverted-y = <0x01> parameters for spi_for_touch@1 section (configuration for touchscreen) in /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb file. Please note, value for touchscreen-inverted-x = <0x01> or touchscreen-inverted-y = <0x01> does not affect anything. To disable e.g. y-inversion, whole parameter should be commented out (# touchscreen-inverted-y = <0x01>;). There are few examples:

  • 270° (default mode) - rotate = <270>; (or rotate = <0x10e>; and touchscreen-inverted-y = <0x01>
  • 90° (flipped horizontally) - rotate = <90>; and touchscreen-inverted-x = <0x01>

Following commands may be used to perform this configuration:

# Backup
sudo cp /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb.$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").bak
# Unpack DTB file
sudo dtc -I dtb -O dts -o rk3328-mkspi.dts /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb
#Make a copy to work with
sudo cp rk3328-mkspi.dts rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts

# Find `rotate = <SOME_VALUE>` and change to `rotate = <NEW_VALUE>`, where NEW_VALUE is a rotation angle, e.g. `rotate = <90>` or `rotate = <270>`
# Then find `touchscreen-inverted-y` attribute and add or replace `touchscreen-inverted-x` one
sudo nano rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts

# Or sudo sed -i -e "s/<0x10e>/<90>/g" rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts
# and sudo sed -i -e "s/touchscreen-inverted-y/touchscreen-inverted-x/g" rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts

# Double check
less rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts | grep rotate
less rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts | grep touchscreen-inverted

# Pack DTS to DTB
dtc -I dts -O dtb -o rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dtb rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dts

# Update rk3328-mkspi.dtb with new version
sudo cp rk3328-mkspi-rotated.dtb /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb

# Reboot
sudo reboot

How to Configure CAN Bus

There are few non-obvious points that you should be aware of to successfully configure the CAN bus:

  1. MKS SKIPR board must be connected via USB (UART connection does not work for CAN bridge mode)
  2. By default latest images/Ubuntu distros do not have ifconfig command out of the box, so Klipper documentation -- USB to CAN bus bridge mode will not properly work.
  3. Starting from 0.4.0-24.11.0-trunk image, Ubuntu and Debian distro use NetworkManager by default, which means /etc/network/interfaces.d/* files have no effect anymore. So CANbus must be consfigured via Systemd-Networkd (see text bellow). It's OK to use NetworkManager for KlipperScreen to manage WIFI and Ethernet interfaces, and Systemd-Networkd for the CANbus interface at the same time.
  4. ⚠️ WARNING modern Ubuntu and Debian distros supports NetworkManager only configuration. Means starting from 0.4.0-24.11.0-trunk and later /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0 file does not work anymore. You have to configure can interface via Systemd-Networkd. E.g. see klipper_canbus as example.

Steps to configure CAN bus:

  1. (For SKIPR board) hook MCU via USB cable (from USB Type A on "MKSPI part" to USB Type C on MCU part, build in UART connection is not supported yet).
  2. (For SKIPR board) compile Klipper firmware and flash MCU. Please specify bitrate/speed which will be used for toolhead. Usually 500 000 or 1 000 000.
  3. Configure can0 interface on MKSPI 3.1. Debian Interfaces file. ⚠️ Only for old distros, pre 0.4.0-24.11.0-trunk images:
     cat <<-'EOF' | sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0
     allow-hotplug can0
     iface can0 can static
     	bitrate 1000000                                       # Ensure it's the same as selected for MCU firmware.
     	# up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 128                   # It will not work because no ifconfig installed by default...
     	up ip link set $IFACE txqueuelen 128                  # ... please use this version instead. 
     	#up ip link set $IFACE txqueuelen 1024 restart-ms 200 # Bit more aggressive configuration

3.2. Systemd-Networkd, for modern distros, starting with 0.4.0-24.11.0-trunk images:

 cat <<-'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/

# see also

cat <<-'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/

# see also[CAN]%20Section%20Options

sudo systemctl enable systemd-networkd
sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd
sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd
  1. Reboot. Yes, it's important!
  2. Hook a toolhead board, find connected devices ~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/ can0 and follow Klipper documentation -- USB to CAN bus bridge mode for the rest of configuration.
  3. Double check output of sudo ip link show can0 command. qlen should have 128 value (or whatever was specified in TransmitQueueLength param)

In case of MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close, b'Got error -1 in can write: (105)No buffer space available' or similar troubles, please try following steps:

Step 1. Use ip -s link show can0 or/and Moonraker -> Settings -> MCU status to ensure no error/invalid AND no retransmit packages. In case of error/invalid packages please see Step 2. In case of no error but increasing retransmit packages please refer Step 3.

Step 2: double check wiring and terminal resistor. A twisted pair for data signals (CAN_L & CAN_H) is almost required for line longer that 20cm.

Step 3. Ensure sudo systemctl --failed does not show failed units. (Outdated, for Debian Interfaces file only) Otherwice doble check /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0 and ensure that ifconfig command (from the Klipper documentation) is not used. if@can0 unit must start without any issues.

Disable Debug Console UART2 or Freeup UART1 Interface

By default UART2 is used for the kernel debug output (ttyS2, USB Type C connection). Please disable kernel console and double check device file permissions if you need the ttyS2 for any other purposes:

# Or just add console=none to /boot/armbianEnv.txt manually.
echo 'console=none' > sudo tee -a /boot/armbianEnv.txt

# Grant user permissions and prevent getty from taking over the port
echo 'KERNEL=="ttyS2",MODE="0660"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ttyS2.rules
systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyS2.service

A mkspi-uart1 (pre v1.0.0 images) or mkspi-disable-lcd-spi (starting vrom v1.0.0 images) overlay may be used to disable LCD and Touchscreen intefraces and freeup UART1/ttyS1 for custom purposes. e.g. by adding overlays=mkspi-disable-lcd-spi or overlays=mkspi-uart1 string to /boot/armbianEnv.txt file.

This solution was tested on QIDI X-7 (Q1 Pro mainboard) and X-6 printers. Please see Disable kernel console debug messages for ttyS2 #31 for more details.

Technical Details

MKSPI board is very similar to Renegade ROC-RK3328-CC - as well as provided documentation. It's a Rockchip RK3328 chip with RK805 power controller and a few additional components.

MKS SKIPR board (from schematic point of view) is the MKSPI + MKS Robin Nano 3.2, which is connected via UART interface. So Armbian part is the same as for MKSPI, klipper MCU and configuration similar to MKS Robin Nano 3.2 one.

The biggest part of Kernel and U-Boot configuration is done in DTS/DTB files. Original MKS images and my releases prior v1.0.0 use /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dtb file. Images v1.0.0 and later use /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-mkspi.dtb one.

If you belive you board is similar to MKSPI one, you may perform follwing steps:

  • Verify original DTS descriptor. For example a /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dtb file may be extracted from an original worked image. Better to have a readable unpacked dts file, just for the reference. This file may be renamed to rk3328-mkspi.dtb and place to /boot/dtb/rockchip location of the Amrbian image (renaming is not requered for images prior v1.0.0).

  • (match better option!) Try to compare unpacked DTS file form original working image with cofiguration from this repo (e.g. patch/kernel/archive/rockchip64-6.6/dt/rk3328-mkspi.dts). This should give you an idea about configuration of supported devices.

  • (hard but may give the best result) use schematic or/and customer support to build your ouwn DTS file e.g. based on patch/kernel/archive/rockchip64-6.6/dt/rk3328-mkspi.dts file.

Please note you also need to patch u-boot DTS, which is very similar to the related kernel file (e.g. see mkspi patches).

How to Build

The new mkspi board was declared. Now has support only for current and edge kernels and Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) and Noble (24.04) OS (CLI and desktop editions). Build process is pretty usual for Armbain build.

I would advice to read official documentation, however it's short version:

  1. Use Ubunut Jammy 22.04 OS (or VM). Ensure you have 15-40GB of free disk and 4-6GB RAM.
  2. Clone repo
  3. cd armbian-mkspi
  4. ./ and follow instructions... Please do not forget about BSPFREEZE=yes build arg (or freezing kernel updates via sudo armbian-config right after the first login). A few ready to use commands:
  • append INSTALL_HEADERS=yes BUILD_KSRC=yes INSTALL_KSRC=yes and BSFREEZE=yes flags if you will need kernel headers, e.g. to compile custom WiFi drivers
  1. Wait a 20-180 minutes (depends of your hardware, mostly disk system) and check output\images\ directory

Following comand may be used to modify the kernel sources and prepare a new patch: ./ BOARD=mkspi BRANCH=current RELEASE=noble BSPFREEZE=yes BUILD_DESKTOP=no BUILD_MINIMAL=no KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE=sha,gpg,img kernel-patch. See also Armbian - Build commands documentation for more details.

Some Technical Details About MKS Images

Origina Image:

/etc/armbian-release (END) repo contains random crap (half worked patches for legacy 4.4 Kernel and non fully armbian integration)

In generally it's not clear what was changed, however looks like MKS guys were not too creative and almost copy rockchip64/Renegade board. Patches include:

  1. Changes for /arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dts ( redeclaring a few pins, disabling some features and declaring new ones. mostly for MKSPI-TS35 screen)
  2. HDMI interface change, seems just to declare mode with 5:3 aspect ration
  3. "Patch" for fbtft/fb_ili9341 driver. Basically redefining screen resolution.
  4. patches for SPI support code.
  5. Changes to drm_edid (see /drivers/gpu/drm/drm_edid.c and /drivers/gpu/drm/rockchip/inno_hdmi.c files). However I have no idea what this about and how to apply this patches to new kernel sources.
  6. Kernel v4.4 config. However I am not sure how it's relevant to the current and edge branches.

See also:

Original Armbian

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Armbian Linux Build Framework

GitHub contributors Artifacts generation GitHub last commit (branch)

What does this project do?

  • Builds custom kernel, image or a distribution optimized for low-resource hardware,
  • Include filesystem generation, low-level control software, kernel image and bootloader compilation,
  • Provides a consistent user experience by keeping system standards across different platforms.

Getting started

Requirements for self hosted

  • x86_64 / aarch64 machine
  • at least 2GB of memory and ~35GB of disk space for VM, container or bare metal installation
  • Armbian / Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.x for native building or any Docker capable Linux for containerised
  • Windows 10/11 with WSL2 subsystem running Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.x
  • Superuser rights (configured sudo or root access).
  • Make sure your system is up-to-date! Outdated Docker binaries, for example, can cause trouble.

For stable branch use --branch=v24.11

apt-get -y install git
git clone --depth=1 --branch=main
cd build

Armbian logo

  • Interactive graphical interface.
  • Prepares the workspace by installing the necessary dependencies and sources.
  • It guides the entire process and creates a kernel package or a ready-to-use SD card image.

Build parameter examples

Show work-in-progress areas in interactive mode:

./ EXPERT="yes"

Build minimal CLI Armbian Jammy for Bananapi M5 with LTS kernel:

./ \
BOARD=bananapim5 \
BRANCH=current \
RELEASE=jammy \

Build with GitHub actions: (advanced version)

name: "Build Armbian"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: armbian/build@main
          armbian_token:     "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"  # GitHub token
          armbian_release:   "jammy"                        # userspace
          armbian_target:    "build"                        # build=image, kernel=kernel
          armbian_board:     "bananapim5"                   # build target

Generated image will be uploaded to your repository release. Note: GitHub upload file limit is 2Gb.

More information:

Download prebuilt images releases



Compared with industry standards

Expand Check similarities, advantages and disadvantages compared with leading industry standard build software.
Function Armbian Yocto Buildroot
Target general purpose embedded embedded / IOT
U-boot and kernel compiled from sources compiled from sources compiled from sources
Board support maintenance   complete outside outside
Root file system Debian or Ubuntu based custom custom
Package manager APT any none
Configurability limited large large
Initramfs support yes yes yes
Getting started quick very slow slow
Cross compilation yes yes yes

Project structure

├── cache                                Work / cache directory
│   ├── aptcache                         Packages
│   ├── ccache                           C/C++ compiler
│   ├── docker                           Docker last pull
│   ├── git-bare                         Minimal Git
│   ├── git-bundles                      Full Git
│   ├── initrd                           Ram disk
│   ├── memoize                          Git status
│   ├── patch                            Kernel drivers patch
│   ├── pip                              Python
│   ├── rootfs                           Compressed userspaces
│   ├── sources                          Kernel, u-boot and other sources
│   ├── tools                            Additional tools like ORAS
│   └── utility
├── config                               Packages repository configurations
│   ├── targets.conf                     Board build target configuration
│   ├── boards                           Board configurations
│   ├── bootenv                          Initial boot loaders environments per family
│   ├── bootscripts                      Initial Boot loaders scripts per family
│   ├── cli                              CLI packages configurations per distribution
│   ├── desktop                          Desktop packages configurations per distribution
│   ├── distributions                    Distributions settings
│   ├── kernel                           Kernel build configurations per family
│   ├── sources                          Kernel and u-boot sources locations and scripts
│   ├── templates                        User configuration templates which populate userpatches
│   └── torrents                         External compiler and rootfs cache torrents
├── extensions                           Extend build system with specific functionality
├── lib                                  Main build framework libraries
│   ├── functions
│   │   ├── artifacts
│   │   ├── bsp
│   │   ├── cli
│   │   ├── compilation
│   │   ├── configuration
│   │   ├── general
│   │   ├── host
│   │   ├── image
│   │   ├── logging
│   │   ├── main
│   │   └── rootfs
│   └── tools
├── output                               Build artifact
│   └── deb                              Deb packages
│   └── images                           Bootable images - RAW or compressed
│   └── debug                            Patch and build logs
│   └── config                           Kernel configuration export location
│   └── patch                            Created patches location
├── packages                             Support scripts, binary blobs, packages
│   ├── blobs                            Wallpapers, various configs, closed source bootloaders
│   ├── bsp-cli                          Automatically added to armbian-bsp-cli package
│   ├── bsp-desktop                      Automatically added to armbian-bsp-desktopo package
│   ├── bsp                              Scripts and configs overlay for rootfs
│   └── extras-buildpkgs                 Optional compilation and packaging engine
├── patch                                Collection of patches
│   ├── atf                              ARM trusted firmware
│   ├── kernel                           Linux kernel patches
|   |   └── family-branch                Per kernel family and branch
│   ├── misc                             Linux kernel packaging patches
│   └── u-boot                           Universal boot loader patches
|       ├── u-boot-board                 For specific board
|       └── u-boot-family                For entire kernel family
├── tools                                Tools for dealing with kernel patches and configs
└── userpatches                          User: configuration patching area
    ├── lib.config                       User: framework common config/override file
    ├── config-default.conf              User: default user config file
    ├──               User: script will execute just before closing the image
    ├── atf                              User: ARM trusted firmware
    ├── kernel                           User: Linux kernel per kernel family
    ├── misc                             User: various
    └── u-boot                           User: universal boot loader patches


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Armbian Linux Build Framework



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  • Shell 68.9%
  • Python 10.0%
  • GSC 7.3%
  • JavaScript 5.2%
  • Batchfile 2.9%
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  • Other 3.9%