archpwn Public
Forked from nopper/archpwnArchPwn security linux live project
bridgefy-android-samples Public
Forked from abk-chicago/bridgefy-android-samplesThe repository for the official samples for the Bridgefy SDK for Android
bridgefy-ios-developer-1 Public
Forked from vexus2/bridgefy-ios-developerBridgefy framework for iOS
buildtools Public
Forked from bazelbuild/buildtoolsA bazel BUILD file formatter and editor
CivilHub Public
Forked from CivilHub/CivilHubMost advanced tool for local civil collaboration
easyMesh Public
Forked from Coopdis/easyMeshLibrary to create a simple mesh network on Arduino/esp8266
emanote Public
Forked from srid/emanoteEmanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
example-github Public
Forked from Semantic-Org/example-githubExample repo using Semantic UI to replicate GitHub Project Home
extension-whitelist Public
Forked from brave/extension-whitelist -
github-slideshow Public
A robot powered training repository 🤖
markor Public
Forked from gsantner/markorText editor - Notes & ToDo (for Android) - Markdown, todo.txt, plaintext, math, ..
now-examples Public
Forked from talmobi/v2-demosExamples of Now deployments you can use
restyler Public
Forked from restyled-io/restylerThe restyling process, as a CLI
shields Public
Forked from badges/shieldsConcise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
skylighting Public
Forked from jgm/skylightingA Haskell syntax highlighting library with tokenizers derived from KDE syntax highlighting descriptions
Spoon-Knife Public
Forked from octocat/Spoon-KnifeThis repo is for demonstration purposes only.
sudo-sandwich Public
Forked from heroku/sudo-sandwichExample Heroku add-on built with Rails
websocket Public
Forked from gorilla/websocketA WebSocket implementation for Go.