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favila / qslice
Forked from useshortcut/qsliceRepresent partial Datomic datalog queries with their bindings and combine them safely.
svilendobrev / transit-python3
Forked from 3wnbr1/transit-python2Fork of transit-python2
Kubernetes API Client library in Clojure
refset / shelving
Forked from arrdem/shelvingA toolkit for building data stores.
sw1nn / flames
Forked from jstepien/flamesPluggable Flame Graphs for Clojure
A demo for Fulcro RAD using either SQL or Datomic databases.
arsenikstiger / dremio-driver
Forked from metabase/sudoku-driverDremio Metabase driver
rockset / rocksdb-cloud
Forked from facebook/rocksdbA library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage optimized for AWS
vitorio / hyperaudio-lite
Forked from hyperaudio/hyperaudio-litelightweight JavaScript for presenting hypertranscripts
mfikes / andare
Forked from clojure/core.asynccore.async for self-hosted ClojureScript
mccahill / vwf
Forked from virtual-world-framework/vwfVirtual World Framework
ttscoff / nv
Forked from scrod/nvMultiMarkdown version of Notational Velocity with Markdown editing features and preview
binaryage / pure-frame
Forked from day8/re-frameA re-frame fork without global state
Kuesty / Hyperlapse.js
Forked from TeehanLax/Hyperlapse.jsJavaScript hyper-lapse utility for Google Street View.
borismus / sechelt
Forked from MozillaReality/secheltA virtual reality fly through of a 3D landscape, built with Three.js and Cinema 4D.
IconCMO / pouch-datalog
Forked from pouchdb/plugin-seedDatalog query engine for PouchDB.
wbrown / clojurescript
Forked from kanaka/clojurescriptClojure to JS compiler (patched to allow compiling of compiler to ClojureScript)
kanaka / clojurescript
Forked from clojure/clojurescriptClojure to JS compiler (patched to allow compiling of compiler to ClojureScript)
Console (command-line) front-end user interface for Mupen64Plus v2.0 project
refset / neith
Forked from mattbierner/neithJavascript Zipper Library
mikeseven / node-webgl
Forked from creationix/node-webglWebGL bindings to desktop OpenGL
petertodd / timelock
Forked from genjix/timelockTimelock encryption incentivised by Bitcoin
dominictarr / blake2s
Forked from dchest/blake2s-jsBLAKE2s cryptographic hash function in JavaScript/TypeScript.
Miserlou / node-dht
Forked from stbuehler/node-dhtDHT implementation (
ShareIt-project / ShareIt
Forked from Miserlou/DirtySharePeer-to-Peer filesharing in pure client-side Javascript
Basic visualizer for Neurosky devices (Mindwave/MindSet) - output from Thinkgear Socket Protocol
refset / treestyletab
Forked from piroor/treestyletabTree Style Tab, Show tabs like a tree.
victusfate / couchpubtato
Forked from max-mapper/couchpubtatoturn couchdb into a pubsubhubbub subscriber so it can eat your feeds like potato chips