Pokémon Absolute is an online text-based Pokémon RPG, comprised of numerous features adapted from the official Pokémon games, as well as entirely new features that enhance the playing experience of Pokémon.
Pokémon Absolute is undergoing a massive update, wherein the code-base is being ported to React.
The repository containing the updated source-code can be found HERE.
NOTE :: There is no current estimate on how long this will take.
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- Socket.io
- MariaDB
- xDebug
- Dedicated Battles
- Use over 800 unique Pokémon in battle
- Utilizes field-effects and terrains
- Includes over 800+ unique moves
- Includes over 200+ unique Pokémon abilities
- Includes over 150+ unique items
- Open World Mapping
- Explore large and open hand-crafted maps
- Includes many unique wild Pokémon
- Come Together With Clans
- Create your own clan, or join someone else's
- Earn experience and resources for your clan
- Level up Clan Upgrades for more progress
- Real Time In-Game Chat
- Instantly message other players
- Includes logic and functionality for handling chat bans
- Live Trading
- Instantly trade your currencies, items, and Pokémon with other players
- Staff Panel
- Check the logs of user activity on macro-discouraged features
- Ban and unban any user
- Put pages into and out of 'maintenance mode'
- Manage obtainable items and Pokémon for any location
- Spawn in items and Pokémon to any player
- Quick update database information of any item or Pokémon
This project makes uses of Node.js for the live in-game chat system, SASS for compiling the SCSS stylesheets to CSS, and PHP for everything else.
Make sure that you have Node.js installed, as well as PHP 7.2+, Apache or Nginx, and PHPMyAdmin.
Note: You can consider using XAMPP or a similar alternative to quickly get a PHP environment up and running locally.
Clone the repository to the necessary directory.
git clone https://github.com/Toxocious/Absolute.git
For simplicity's sake, an already configured PHP server or XAMPP configuration will be assumed.
- Create the database.
via command line
## Login to MySQL
user:machine >>> mysql -u root -p
## Create the database
mysql >>> CREATE DATABASE absolute;
via PHPMyAdmin
- Click 'New' in the left sidebar
- Name the database 'absolute'
- Set collation to 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
- Click the 'Create' button
- Create a new MySQL user
via command line
## Create a new MySQL user
## NOTE :: Replace _PASSWORD_ with a secure password of your choice.
mysql >>> CREATE USER absolute@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '_PASSWORD_';
## Grant all privileges on the database table to the new user.
mysql >>> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON absolute.* TO 'absolute'@'localhost';
## Verify the granted privileges
mysql >>> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'absolute'@'localhost';
## Exit out of the current MySQL session.
mysql >>> exit
## Verify that you can log in as the new user.
mysql >>> mysql -u absolute -p
via PHPMyAdmin
- From the main dashboard, click the 'User accounts' link in the top nav bar
- Click the 'Add user account' link'
- Set the username to 'absolute'
- Set the hostname to 'localhost'
- Set the password to something secure
- Re-type your secure password
- Grant the user all privileges
- Click the 'Go' button
- Verify that you can login as the new user
- Import Absolute's database tables. NOTE :: Importing tables via CLI is magnitudes FASTER than using the GUI.
You will need to clone the Absolute Database repository for this step.
via command line
## Clone the Absolute Database repository.
git clone https://github.com/Toxocious/Absolute-Database
## CD into your newly cloned Absolute Database repository
cd Absolute-Database
## Import all of the *.sql files into your database.
## Replace * with the provided .sql file name.
## Do this for each .sql file.
mysql -u root < *.sql
via PHPMyAdmin
- Select the 'absolute' database
- Click on 'Import'
- Select the .sql file to import
- Click 'Submit'
- Set database credentials as environment variables. NOTE :: For local servers running this project, this isn't needed.
This assumes that you're using Apache.
## Change your active directory to Apache
cd /etc/apache2
## Open the `envvars` file in your favorite editor
nano envvars
## Append the following lines
# Database table to access
export DATABASE_TABLE="absolute"
# Database user to login with
export DATABASE_USER="absolute"
# Database password to login with
# This should match the password used when the `absolute` MySQL user was created earlier.
When you have gotten the database set-up, you'll notice that - after navigating to your hosted copy of this repository - the stylesheets fail to load.
This is because Absolute's stylesheets are done in SCSS, which need compiled to CSS before they can be used for this project.
Install (SASS)[https://sass-lang.com/install] for your operating system, add it to your PATH variables, open a terminal into this directory, and run the following command:
sass themes/sass:themes/css
This will compile the stylesheets a single time. If you wish to do numerous changes back-to-back - such as a layout overhaul or what have you - then use the --watch
flag appended to the command, which will have SASS watch for changes in the themes/sass
directory, and will automatically compile all changes into the themes/css
directory while the sass watch command is active.
The source code used for Absolute's chat system can be found HERE.
A separate, in-depth README with set-up documentation is included.
The source code used for Absolute's Discord Bot can be found HERE.
A separate, in-depth README with set-up documentation is included.
Absolute uses a continue integration and deployment pipeline to automatically sync the repository main
branch with the remote server.
To set up a CI/CD pipeline for your local and remote Absolute environment, continue reading on.
NOTE :: For Windows users, this will require SSH to be installed on your local machine.
NOTE :: The pipeline will fail if a layout/theme change has been pushed and SASS is not properly configured on the remote server.
- SSH into your remote server.
## SSH into the remote server.
## This will require a password.
- Generate a SSH keypair.
## Generate an SSH public:private key pair.
## This will ask you additional questions before generating the key pair.
## Take careful note of where the files are placed for generation. (usually in ~/.ssh)
## Also take careful note of what you have named the SSH key pair.
- Copy the public SSH key and add it as a repository CI/CD settings variable.
## Print out the public SSH key.
## Highlight it and copy it via CTRL + SHIFT + C
cat ~/.ssh/absolute_key.pub
## In a browser on your local machine, navigate to your repository's CI/CD settings.
## https://gitlab.com/USER_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME/-/settings/ci_cd
## Expand the ``Variables`` section.
## Add a new variable with the name of ``ABSOLUTE_PRIVATE_KEY``
## Paste in the public key that you previously copied.
## Save the variable.
- Update the CI/CD script in the repository (
) to reflect your remote server. - Run the pipeline.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
We aren't too picky on what your code looks like as long as it's easy to read and filter through; keep it clean.
This project is licensed under GNU GPL 3.
For more information about the license, check out the LICENSE.