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324 lines (245 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

324 lines (245 loc) · 19.2 KB


  • Fix: mob start now functions correctly on WIP branches when the base branch is not checked out, applicable to branch names that do not contain a - character.


  • Fix: Removed wrong warning about diverging wip branch when joining a new session


  • Fix: Added documentation for mob start --discard-uncommitted-changes in the mob help command


  • Feature: mob start --discard-uncommitted-changes allows to discard uncommitted changes and then starting a new mob session

Thank you @stefanscheidt for this feature request


  • Feature: mob done now pulls when someone else already did done


  • Fix: mob break 5 is now correctly parsed


  • Feature: Adds new flag --join for mob start to join an existing session mob start --join (#437)


  • Fix: The configuration option MOB_SKIP_CI_PUSH_OPTION_ENABLED now works correctly

Thank you @stefanscheidt for reporting this issue


  • Feature: You can now set goals
  • Feature: Can make use of the git push-option "ci.skip"
  • Removed: mob start does not create an emtpy commit on a new wip branch anymore
  • Feature: Prints git commands before they are finished for faster feedback
  • Feature: Added cli option --room to set the room name of once
  • Feature: mob status shows a hint if there is no remote branch
  • Feature: mob status shows the duration of wip branches
  • Fix: mob done --squash-wip now squashes the start commit as well
  • Fix: Fixes a bug with timers smaller than 1
  • Windows Performance is improved due to use of os.UserHomeDir()
  • Upgrade to go 1.22

Thank you @schmonz for fixing the build on non-Linux Unix systems Thank you @jmbockhorst for improving windows performance Thank you @michael-mader for improving our readme


  • Removes feature which cancels running timers as this can lead to longer rotations if the codebase is switched. The way it was implemented is also not ideal for virus detection.
  • Correct typo in the hint for creating a remote branch

Thank you @clemlatz for finding and fixing the typo Thank you @stefanscheidt for updating the readme on the build and install from source instructions


  • Fix: Able to open last modified file with space in path
  • Fix: start ignores git hooks
  • Removes deprecated io/ioutil
  • Improves uninstallation instructions

Thanks to @dkbnz for improving the uninstallation instructions Thank you @testwill for removing the deprecated ioutil Thank you @kriber82 for allowing filenames with spaces


  • Fix: version


  • Fix: missing SHA in Arch PKGBUILD
  • Fix: missing glibc on older linux version


  • Fix: now specifies the remote ref when pushing to allow for custom git config push.default settings such as tracking
  • Fix: Improves the suggested command when you have uncommitted changes on an attempt to open a custom wip branch using mob start -b green
  • now uses the go version 1.20.x

Thanks to @jstoneham for fixing the bug with using a custom push.default setting! Thank you @tobiasehlert for fixing our GitHub Action workflows post-31st May 2023!


  • Fix: mob config, mob help, mob moo and mob version are now working outside of git repositories again
  • Fix: mob clean now works correctly

Thanks to @danilo-bc and @jrdodds for reporting these bugs!


  • Fix: now works correctly if git option status.branch is set to true


  • Feature: mob timer open opens the timer website in your default web browser. If you specified MOB_TIMER_ROOM it will automatically open the specific timer page.
  • Feature: is now built as a mac universal app and therefore supports Apple Silicon natively.


  • Fix: mob done will now print the command git merge --squash --ff mob/main just once and not twice.


  • Feature: Adds MOB_START_COMMIT_MESSAGE config property for changing the commit message on mob start empty commit introduced in 4.2.0. This should help overcome problems with pre-receive git hooks.


  • Feature: now starts a mob session with an empty commit to skip CI when creating a new remote branch for the session. The commit is squashed or dropped when mob done except for --no-squash option.


  • Fix: mob done --squash-wip won't lose changes when you forget to mob start


  • Fix: mob showed the wrong executable name in windows
  • Feature: now makes use of --push-option=ci.skip when pushing
  • Feature: now warns you when your git version is too old

Thanks to @balintf and @muskacirca for your contributions!


  • NEW Feature: mob reset doesn't reset the mob branch anymore. It now warns you that it deletes the mob branch for everyone and if you want to continue do mob reset --delete-remote-wip-branch.
  • NEW Feature: mob timer, mob break, mob start, mob next and mob done will stop already running local timers.
  • Feature: mob start --create will create the remote branch and start the mob session on that branch.
  • Feature: now also works with tools like git-repo which symlink the .git folder
  • Removed MOB_START_INCLUDE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES environment variable (has been deprecated for some time).
  • MOB_DONE_SQUASH no longer supports a boolean value, you have to use the proper values squash, no-squash or squash-wip instead.

Thanks to @rustiever, @gulio-python, @freekk, and @sebsprenger for your contributions!


  • Fix: mob done --squash-wip won't fail if a previously committed file has uncommitted modifications.
  • Feature: MOB_TIMER_INSECURE=true allows enterprises to use the companion service despite SSL issues.

Thanks to @gregorriegler and @JanMeier1337 for your contributions!


  • Add a more specific error message if git is not installed.
  • Allow for using mob timer outside of git repositories.
  • Fix: mob done --squash-wip now successfully auto-merges auto-mergeable diverging changes.
  • Print the help output whenever any kind of help argument (help, --help, -h) is present in the command, e.g. mob s 10 -h.
  • Adds a warning to mob start in case the wip branch diverges from the main branch.
  • Various fixes in suggestion of next typist:
    • Show list of last committers only if there are any.
    • Skip suggestions if there has only been a single person so far.
    • Consider the case of a new typist joining the session.
    • Fix reporting on first commit.
  • Show a deprecation warning when MOB_DONE_SQUASH is set to true or false in the environment variable or in the .mob configuration file.


  • Fixes a bug where mob saves the wrong filepath of the last modfied file in the wip commit message.


Just a version bump.


  • Fixes a bug where mob hides output of interactive git hooks when MOB_GIT_HOOKS_ENABLED=true. And without output, the user doesn't know what to input. And without input, mob waits indefinitely.


  • Fixes a bug where mob clean failed to delete an orphaned wip branch because of unmerged commits.

Thanks to @jdrst for making this release possible!


  • Add mob clean command that removes orphan wip branches that might be a left over of someone else doing a mob done. This is especially helpful when using a lot of feature branches. If you call mob clean on an orphan wip branch, it will switch you to the base branch, falling back to main/master if the base branch does not exist.
  • The values squash, no-squash and squash-wip for MOB_DONE_SQUASH can be set not only via env var, but now in the .mob configuration file as well.

Thanks to @hollesse and @thmuch making this release possible!


  • NEW Mob will automatically open the last modified file of the previous typist in your preferred IDE. Therefore, you need to set the configuration option MOB_OPEN_COMMAND to a command which opens your IDE. For example, the open command for IntelliJ is idea %s
  • Add a Smiley face to Happy Collaborating message to make your day :)

Thanks to @hollesse and @aryanfaghihi making this release possible!


  • NEW Allow keeping manual commits while squashing all wip commits by finishing a mob-session with mob done --squash-wip.
  • Removed experimental command mob squash-wip in favor of new mob done --squash-wip.
  • Added missing configuration option MOB_WIP_BRANCH_PREFIX for .mob file.

Thanks to @gregorriegler and @hollesse making this release possible!


  • Enable git hooks with MOB_GIT_HOOKS_ENABLED=true. By default, this option is false and no git hooks such as pre-commit or pre-push are triggered via mob itself.


  • As an alternative to the environment variables, you can configure the mob tool with a .mob file in your home directory. For an example have a look at mob-configuration-example file.
  • As an alternative to the environment variables, you can configure the mob tool with a .mob file in your git project root directory. The configuration options MOB_VOICE_COMMAND, MOB_VOICE_MESSAGE, MOB_NOTIFY_COMMAND, and MOB_NOTIFY_MESSAGE are disabled for the project specific configuration to prevent bash injection attacks. Thanks to @vrpntngr & @hollesse making this release possible as part of the @INNOQ Hands-On Event, February 2022.


  • With export MOB_TIMER_ROOM_USE_WIP_BRANCH_QUALIFIER=true the room name is automatically derived from the value you passed in via the mob start --branch <branch> parameter.


  • When mob encounters unpushed commits in the base branch, the tool now provides help for the user to fix this immediately.
  • Improves console output when using mob break 5 in combination with
  • Gives the user the chance to name their final commit after mob done --no-squash


  • When having set MOB_TIMER_ROOM the local timer keeps on working. To disable the local timer altogether, please disable it via export MOB_TIMER_LOCAL=false.
  • Improved message when nothing to commit (Thanks to @seanpoulter for #202)


  • NEW create a team room on to have a team timer. Set MOB_TIMER_ROOM to the name of your team room and mob will automatically send timer requests to your team room. Mob now even supports breaks with mob break <minutes>.


  • If you renamed the executable or use a symlink to use a different name, mob will detect the new name and use that in its console output.
  • Improves error handling when using mob start -i. When the working directory is a subdirectory that would be removed due to git stash the mob tool will tell the user about this and aborts with an error.


  • Fixes a bug which let mob version fail when run outside of a git repository.


  • Allow to override the text in the notification and the voice via environment variables MOB_NOTIFY_MESSAGE and MOB_VOICE_MESSAGE.
  • Allow to override the stash name used for stashing uncommitted changes via the environment variable MOB_STASH_NAME.
  • Allow to override the cli name of the tool via MOB_CLI_NAME so you can use pair, ensemble, team, or whatever you like best, instead of mob. Just install the mob tool, set an alias in your cli and set the environment variable MOB_CLI_NAME to the name of your alias.


  • Print current time after mob start. This helps when scrolling through the terminal to distinguish the mob start calls.


  • Show commit hash of WIP commits made by the mob tool on the console.
  • mob start --include-uncommitted-changes now fails fast. That means, if mob can detect any issue preventing it to succeed, it will exit BEFORE calling git stash. This will make error recovery much easier as one doesn't have to think about applying any stashes by themselves.


  • mob next does not show the same committer multiple times in the list of previous committers.
  • mob next does not suggest the current Git user to be the next typist as long as there were other persons involved in the mob.
  • mob next performs a simple lookahead to also suggest persons who might have been absent only during the last mob round.
  • When is not set in the git config, mob no longer shows an error but a warning with a help how to fix it.


  • Allows creating parallel mob sessions on the same repository more easily.
  • mob branch shows all remote mob branches currently available.
  • mob fetch fetches the remote state, so you have everything up to date locally. Helpful to combine with mob status and mob branch who don't fetch by themselves.


  • When mob start fails, the timer no longer starts to run.


  • Less noisy output: Only show number of unpushed commits in output if there are more than 0.
  • Add experimental command mob squash-wip to squash any WIP commits in the wip branch into a following manual commit using git rebase --interactive with mob as the temporary GIT_EDITOR.
  • The order of the latest commit is now reversed, the latest one is shown last.
  • Add experimental configuration option MOB_WIP_BRANCH_PREFIX to configure the mob/ prefix to some other value.


  • The list of commits included in a mob branch is now truncated to a maximum of 5 entries to prevent the need for scrolling up in order to see the latest included changes.
  • Show more informative error message when mob <cmd> is run outside of a git repository.
  • Add environment variable MOB_TIMER which allows setting a default timer duration for mob start and mob timer commands.
  • Add automatic co-author attribution. Mob will collect all committers from a WIP branch and add them as co-authors in the final WIP commit.
  • added support for preventing mob start if there are unpushed commits
  • better output if one passes a negative number for the timer


  • The default MOB_COMMIT_MESSAGE now includes [ci skip] and [skip ci] so that all the typical CI systems (including Azure DevOps) will skip this commit.
  • Add --squash option to mob done that corresponds to --no-squash.
  • Fixes the default text to speech command on linux and osx.
  • Removed MOB_DEBUG environment variable (has been deprecated for some time).


  • Add environment variable MOB_REQUIRE_COMMIT_MESSAGE which you could set to true to require a commit message other than the default one.
  • Fixes a bug where you could not run mob start --branch feature-1 because feature-1 contained a dash.
  • Fixes a bug which prevented the sound output of 'mob next' and 'moo' on windows


  • Add optional --no-squash for mob done to keep commits from wip branch.
  • Add environment variable MOB_DONE_SQUASH to configure the mob done behaviour. MOB_DONE_SQUASH=false is equal to passing flag --no-squash.
  • Special thanks to @jbrains, @koeberlue, @gregor_riegler for making this release happen, obviously, in a remote mob session.


  • BREAKING: MOB_NEXT_STAY now defaults to 'true'.
  • Proposed cli commands like mob start --include-uncommitted-changes are now shown on a separate line to allow double clicking to copy in the terminal.


  • Add way to configure MOB_WIP_BRANCH_QUALIFIER via an environment variable instead of --branch parameter. Helpful if multiple teams work on the same repository.
  • Add way to configure MOB_WIP_BRANCH_QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR via an environment variable. Defaults to '/'. Will change to '-' in future versions to prevent branch naming conflicts (one cannot have a branch named mob/main and a branch named mob/main/green because mob/main cannot be a file and a directory at the same time).


  • Adds way to configure the voice command via the environment variable MOB_VOICE_COMMAND.
  • Allow disabling voice or notification by setting the environment variables MOB_VOICE_COMMAND or MOB_NOTIFY_COMMAND to an empty string.
  • Fixes a bug where a failure in executing the voice command would lead to omitting the notification.
  • mob config now shows the currently used MOB_VOICE_COMMAND and MOB_NOTIFY_COMMAND.
  • Add mob next --message "custom commit message" as an option to override the commit message during mob next.


  • Adds flag --return-to-base-branch (with shorthand -r) to return to base branch on mob next. Because 'mob' will change the default behavior from returning to the base branch to staying on the wip branch on mob next, this flag provides the inverse operation of --stay. If both are provided, the latter one wins.
  • Adds flag -i as a shorthand notation for --include-uncommitted-changes.
  • Fixes a bug that prevented mob start to work when on an outdated the WIP branch
  • mob next push if there are commits but no changes.


  • Fixes a bug where mob couldn't handle branch names with the '/' character


  • Commit message of wip commits is no longer quoted (see #52)


  • Adds mob start --branch <branch> to allow multiple wip branches in the form of 'mob//' for a base branch. For example, when being on branch 'main' a mob start --branch green would switch to a wip branch named 'mob/main/green'.
  • Adds mob moo (Thanks Niko for the idea)
  • Deprecated MOB_DEBUG in favor of the parameter --debug
  • Deprecated MOB_START_INCLUDE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES in favor of the parameter --include-uncommitted-changes instead
  • Show warning if removed configuration option MOB_BASE_BRANCH or MOB_WIP_BRANCH is used.


  • mob start on a branch named feature1 will switch to the branch mob/feature1 and will merge the changes back to feature1 after mob done. For the master branch, the mob-session branch will still work (but this may change in the future, switching to mob/master at some point).
  • Removes configuration options for base branch and wip branch. These are no longer necessary.
  • mob status added. Thanks to Jeff Langr for that contribution!


  • Removes zoom screen share integration.
  • Less git commands necessary for 'mob start'
  • Mob automatically provides sound output on windows without any installation


  • Fixes a bug where boolean environment variables such as MOB_NEXT_STAY set to any value (including empty value) falsely activated their respective option.
  • Simplified mob start when joining a mob session. It uses git checkout -B mob-session origin/mob-session to override any local mob-session in the process. It reduces the amount of commands necessary and makes the mob tool more predictable: the origin/mob-session always contains the truth.
  • Removes mob share command. You can still enable the zoom integration via mob start 10 share although this is now DEPRECATED and will eventually be removed in the future.


  • mob start prints out untracked files as well
  • mob start --include-uncommitted-changes now includes untracked files in the stash 'n' pop as well
  • keying in an unknown command like mob conf will internally call mob help to print out the usage options instead of calling mob status
  • fixed a bug where overriding MOB_START_INCLUDE_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES via an environment variable could print out a wrong value (didn't affect any logic, just wrong console output)


  • Any git push command now uses the --no-verify flag


  • New homepage available at
  • mob config prints configuration using the environment variable names which allow overriding the values


  • Fixes bug that prevented users wih git versions below 2.21 to be able to use 'mob'.