Inspect panel on Figma, for everyone.
Built with WXT, TypeScript and Vue 3.
On March 19, Figma removed the window.figma
in view-only mode pages (which the TemPad Dev extension relies on to function properly). After our proactive communication, the Figma team promised to re-add the window.figma
interface within a few weeks. During the waiting period, TemPad Dev cannot work properly in view-only mode. You can use it in edit mode by using the “Duplicate to your drafts” feature and use it in edit mode.
You can follow this post to get the latest updates.
Currently supported features include:
- Viewing/copying the CSS code of the selected node
- Viewing/copying the JavaScript form of the CSS code of the selected node
- Viewing/copying the component code of the selected component (inputted through the TemPad Figma plugin), with the ability to jump to the TemPad Playground for preview/debugging
- Locking the Deep Select mode (originally requiring pressing ⌘ and clicking)
- Locking the Measure to Selection mode (originally requiring moving the cursor while holding ⌥ to view)
- Scrolling the selected elements back into the viewport
- Toggling CSS units between
(supports setting root font size)
Inspired by the following projects: