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An LSP implementation for tree-sitter query files


  "settings": {
    // Where to look for parsers, of the form <lang>.(so|dll|dylib)
    // or tree-sitter-<lang>.wasm
    "parser_install_directories": ["a/list/of", "parser/installation/paths"],
    // A list of parser aliases (e.g. point queries/ecma/*.scm files to the
    // javascript parser)
    "parser_aliases": {
      "ecma": "javascript"
    // A list of patterns to aid the LSP in finding a language, given a file
    // path. Patterns must have one capture group which represents the language
    // name. Ordered from highest to lowest precedence.
    "language_retrieval_patterns": [
      // E.g. zed support
      // The following fallbacks are *always* provided:
      // tree-sitter-([^/]+)/queries/[^/]+\.scm$
      // queries/([^/]+)/[^/]+\.scm$

Example setup (for Neovim):

-- Disable the (slow) builtin query linter
vim.g.query_lint_on = {}

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
  pattern = 'query',
  callback = function(ev)
    if[ev.buf].buftype == 'nofile' then
    vim.lsp.start {
      name = 'ts_query_ls',
      cmd = { '/path/to/ts_query_ls/target/release/ts_query_ls' },
      root_dir = vim.fs.root(0, { 'queries' }),
      -- OPTIONAL: Override the query omnifunc
      on_attach = function(_, buf)[buf].omnifunc = 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc'
      init_options = {
        parser_install_directories = {
          -- If using nvim-treesitter with lazy.nvim
        parser_aliases = {
          ecma = 'javascript',
        language_retrieval_patterns = {


  • References for captures
  • Renaming captures
  • Completions for capture names in a pattern (for predicates)
  • Completions for node names
  • Fix utility functions, making them robust when it comes to UTF-16 code points
  • Go to definition for captures
  • Recognition/completion of supertypes (requires tree-sitter 0.25)
  • Completions and diagnostics for a supertype's subtypes
  • Completions field names
  • Diagnostics for unrecognized nodes
  • Diagnostics for referencing undefined capture groups in predicates
  • Diagnostics for incorrect syntax
  • Diagnostics for impossible patterns
    • Currently not possible without a full (sometimes expensive) run of the query file. This should either be implemented as a user command, or core methods should be exposed to gather pattern information more efficiently
  • Recognize parsers built for WASM
  • Document formatting compatible with the nvim-treesitter formatter
  • Code cleanup
  • Add tests for all* functionality

*All handlers are tested, but core functionality like language loading will be more complicated, and does not yet have test coverage.


And others?


Many thanks to @lucario387, and the asm-lsp, jinja-lsp, beancount-language-server, and helix-editor projects for the amazing code that I took inspiration from!