This is a simple plugin that I built to display a custom status line in neovim. It is built to accomodate my configs but can be used by anyone who feels like it... however, if you do get it, you should make it work with your own configs. Feel free to fork and modify how you want :-)
- plenary.nvim - for async updates
- nvim-web-devicons
- a nerd font (nerd-fonts) - not mandatory... good if you want to display icons and line separators
{ "ricdotnet/ricdotline" }
require("ricdotline").setup {}
function partC()
return "hello world"
wakatime = true, -- requires wakatime plugin installed
theme = "gruvbox", -- gruvbox or material
separator = "arrow", -- arrow or round
colors = {}, -- to be updated
partA = "hello world",
partB = function()
return "hello world"
partC = partC,
We can also pass a function or a string for each part of the statusline. This can be used to override the default value and allows for more customization. Note that passing a function it must return a string.