- Pro
linnstrument-firmware Public
Forked from rogerlinndesign/linnstrument-firmwareThe firmware of LinnStrument, an Open Revolutionary Expressive Musical Performance Controller
clojure-contrib Public
NOTE - the contrib libraries have moved to individual repos under Clojure:
clojure Public
Forked from clojure/clojureNOTE: This repo (The Clojure programming language) has moved:
harmonikit Public
An additive synth for Clojure and overtone
GCViewer Public
Forked from chewiebug/GCViewerFork of tagtraum industries' GCViewer. Tagtraum stopped development in 2008, I aim to improve support for Sun's / Oracle's java 1.6 + 1.7 garbage collector logs (including G1 collector)
clojure-clr Public
A port of Clojure to the CLR, part of the Clojure project