rkflashtool is a tool for managing rockchip socs via the rockusb protocol.
It was born as a fork of https://github.com/linux-rockchip/rkflashtool, with the aim of making the tool as user friendly as possible.
I'm not a Rockchip employee, so this software is the result of personal studies and many tests.
Rockchip boards are easily recoverable, but use at your own risk in any case.
- install/upgrade bootloader
- full dump of internal memory
- flash raw image on internal memory
- read/write/erase partitions (for now only with rkparam method)
- read/write/erase LBA
Before you start, you need to know a couple of concepts
MaskROM It's a minimal firmware that is booted by the soc when it's unable to load a full bootloader. It's capable of loading a complete loader and is the mode required for flash/dump operations.
DDRBIN It's the part of the proprietary bootloader that takes care of configuring and activating the ddr memory.
LOADER It's the part of the proprietary bootloader that takes care of activating the internal memory and other components, and that takes care of managing the fastboot Google protocol
USBPLUG It's the part of the proprietary bootloader that takes care of activating the internal memory and other components, and that takes care of managing the rockusb protocol.
RockUSB Rockusb is the usb communication protocol implemented in most of the official rockchip firmwares.
rkflashtool is a cli implementation of the RockUSB protocol, so in order to work properly it needs the device to be in USBPLUG mode.
The generic workflow is as follows:
+---------------+ +---------------------+ +---------------------------+
| Enter MaskROM |-->| Load ddrbin/usbplug |-->| read/write flash, etc etc |
+---------------+ +---------------------+ +---------------------------+
To enter in MaskROM mode there are two ways:
- the so-called toothpick method (easy way)
- connect the pin clock of the internal storage to the ground (hard way)
On many boards, certainly those designed for Android boxes, there is a reset button. The position can vary, in the rk3228/rk3229 Android boxes, for example, it's hidden at the bottom of the A/V connector, in others it is visible, but the purpose is always the same.
In fact in Rockchip bootloaders pressing the reset button, with a toothpick, during startup allows
- enter in Android recovery mode if pressed after turning on the box (clearly if there is an Android firmware to recover)
- enter in LOADER mode if pressed before turning on the box
When in LOADER mode, you can enter MaskROM by issuing a particular reset command.
So, with this method, the workflow is as follows:
+------------------------| +----------------+ +------------------------------+ +---------------------+ +-------------------+
| Use toothpick to press |-->| Power On Board |-->| Switch from LOADER to |-->| Load ddrbin/usbplug |-->| read/write flash, |
| reset button | | | | MaskROM with reset command | | | | etc etc |
+------------------------+ +----------------+ +------------------------------+ +---------------------+ +-------------------+
- Rockchip 3128 android tv box
- Rockchip 322x android tv box
$ git clone https://github.com/ilmich/rkflashtool/
$ make
$ git clone https://github.com/ilmich/rkflashtool/
$ make CROSSPREFIX=x86_64-w64-mingw32- # for 32bit use i686-w64-mingw32-
info: rkflashtool v5.93
fatal: usage:
rkflashtool l file load DDRINIT & USBPLUG from packed rockchip bootloader (MASKROM MODE)
rkflashtool a file install/update bootloader from packed rockchip bootloader
rkflashtool b [flag] reboot device
rkflashtool d > outfile dump full internal memory to image file
rkflashtool e wipe flash
rkflashtool e offset nsectors erase flash (fill with 0xff)
rkflashtool e partname erase partition (fill with 0xff)
rkflashtool f file flash image file
rkflashtool f partname file flash partition
rkflashtool n read nand flash info
rkflashtool p > file fetch parameters
rkflashtool P < file write parameters
rkflashtool r partname > outfile read flash partition
rkflashtool r offset nsectors > outfile read flash
rkflashtool v read chip version
info: rkunpackfw v5.94
fatal: usage:
rkunpackfw file unpack rockchip firmware