- Austin, Tx
shippal_web_app Public
Forked from ShipEngine/shipenguin_web_appThe source code for the Shipenguin web app, this project serves as a reference implementation of address validation, rates, and labels powered by ShipEngine.
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
openapi-cli Public
Forked from Redocly/redocly-cli⚒️ OpenAPI 3 CLI toolbox with rich validation and bundling features.
merge-release Public
Forked from mikeal/merge-releaseAutomatically release all merges to master on npm.
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 10, 2019 -
minikube Public
Forked from kubernetes/minikubeRun Kubernetes locally
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 23, 2018 -
sonar-scanner-msbuild-in-docker Public
Forked from GokGokalp/sonar-scanner-msbuild-in-dockerSonarQube Scanner for MSBuild to .NET Core projects in Docker
UpdatedFeb 16, 2018 -
OpenAPI-Specification Public
Forked from OAI/OpenAPI-SpecificationThe OpenAPI Specification Repository
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 25, 2017 -
super-tech-heroes Public
Forked from JamesMessinger/super-tech-heroesA REST API for technology-themed superheroes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 26, 2017 -
piSuite Public
Scripts centered around connecting and collecting data from an arduino
Python UpdatedFeb 25, 2015 -
clientSuite Public
A cordova project that involves reading an Apache CouchDB to display data read from an arduino sketch to the user
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 23, 2015 -
arduinoSuite Public
A few sketches pertaining to retrieving and sending data over a serial connection.
Arduino UpdatedFeb 16, 2015 -
node-express-mongoose-demo Public
Forked from madhums/node-express-mongoose-demoA simple demo app in node.js using express, mongoose, passport.js and jade for beginners
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2014 -
node-express-mongoose Public
Forked from madhums/node-express-mongooseA boilerplate application for building web apps using express, mongoose and passport.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2014 -
Swiper Public
Forked from nolimits4web/swiperMobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
JavaScript UpdatedMar 12, 2014 -
fastclick Public
Forked from ftlabs/fastclickPolyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2013