- Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- rmax.ai
- @rmaxdev
- in/rmaxespinoza
- @rmaxdev
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/140510/r-max
databricks-sdk-py Public
Forked from databricks/databricks-sdk-pyDatabricks SDK for Python (Beta)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2024 -
simpy-playground Public
A SimPy playground to experiment with multiple simulation scenarios.
scrapy-redis Public
Redis-based components for Scrapy.
omp-thread-count Public
A small Python module to get the actual number of threads used by OMP via Cython bindings.
scrapy-inline-requests Public
A decorator to write coroutine-like spider callbacks.
terminal-copilot Public
Forked from kafischer/terminal-copilotA smart terminal assistant that helps you find the right command.
tensordict Public
Forked from pytorch/tensordictTensorDict is a pytorch dedicated tensor container.
pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
torchrec Public
Forked from pytorch/torchrecPytorch domain library for recommendation systems
flake8-class-newline Public
Forked from alexandervaneck/flake8-class-newlineA flake8 extension to check if a new line is present after a class definition.
lightning-hydra-template Public template
Forked from ashleve/lightning-hydra-templatePyTorch Lightning + Hydra. A very user-friendly template for rapid and reproducible ML experimentation with best practices. ⚡🔥⚡
nn-template Public
Forked from grok-ai/nn-templateGeneric template to bootstrap your PyTorch project.
sanstyle-dash Public
Forked from xinetzone/sanstyle-dash -
binary-repr Public
Converts integers to binary representation.
SAR-measure-cold-start Public
Forked from lumigo-io/SAR-measure-cold-startHelps you analyze the cold start performance of your function.
psutil Public
Forked from giampaolo/psutilCross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python
sklearn-flask-docker Public
Forked from Rodrigo-Peres/sklearn-flask-dockerAn example of deploying a sklearn model using Flask using a Docker container.
alpine-dask-docker Public
Forked from jcrist/alpine-dask-dockerTiny Dask Docker images based on Alpine Linux
prefect-helm Public
Forked from dojeda/prefect-helmA helm chart for Prefect
codeowners-validator Public
Forked from mszostok/codeowners-validatorThe GitHub CODEOWNERS file validator
ohmyzsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1500+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, et…
requests Public
Forked from psf/requestsA simple, yet elegant HTTP library.