This repo demonstrates how to implement GitHub actions workflows to build and deploy PRs, as well as a blue green deployments to staging and production environments.
This repo uses a cloudformation template to deploy a stack to AWS. The stack contains an auto-scaling-group of ec2 instances, a load balancer, and other related resources.
There are several workflows in this repo:
- PR - build and deploy
- PR - delete stack
- Blue Green Deploy Pipeline
This workflow is triggered when a PR is created or updated. The workflow does the following:
- Build and run unit tests
- Build AMI using Packer
- Deploy a test stack in AWS
This workflow is triggered when a PR is closed. The workflow deletes the test stack created by PR - build and deploy
This workflow is triggered on push to main. The workflow can also be triggered manually. The workflow does the following:
- Build and run unit tests (skipped if AMI is provided)
- Build AMI using Packer (skipped if AMI is provided)
- Deploy stack to staging and production environments in AWS
This repo relies on the following repo secrets for authentication to AWS:
The PR - build and deploy
workflows deploys to an environment named cd-test
The Blue Green Deploy Pipeline
workflows deploys to an environment named cd-staging
and cd-production
Each environmnet needs to have the following environment variables configured:
SUBNETS # list of subnets in AWS, comma separated
VPC # the VPC in AWS