Each week, Spotify "curates" (aka generates) a playlist of new music from artists that we follow. While this is a great way to listen to a wide array of new music, I have been wishing that they would provide a playlist of new (full) albums to listen to (and then consider seeking out buying it online) to support the artist.
To use this tool, you will need a Spotify for Developers account, which you can get access to https://developer.spotify.com/. You will need to create a new app and that will provide you with a Spotify client id and secret.
This is a basic inline Ruby script that relies on the RSpotify gem.
$ git clone ....
Reference the Spotify API credentials here:
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<<your spotify client id>>
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<<your spotify secret>>
$ export SPOTIFY_USERNAME=<<your spotify username>>
$ export SPOTIFY_USERNAME=robbyrussell
Running the tool:
$ ruby spotify_new_albums_release_radar.rb
"Why can't I just listen to all the new albums front-to-end?" -- me, yesterday
This was a scratch-my-own-itch project that I kept wishing for while on long car rides.