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Sbom tool arguments

dotnet run -p src/Microsoft.Sbom.Tool generate -- -h

The Sbom tool generates a SBOM for any build artifact.

GlobalOption    Description
Help (-?, -h)   Prints this help message


  Validate -options - Validate a build artifact using the manifest. Optionally also verify the signing certificate of the manfiest.

    Option                   Description
    BuildDropPath (-b)       The root folder of the drop directory to validate.
    ManifestDirPath (-m)     The path of the directory where the manifest will be validated. If this parameter  
                             is not specified, the manifest will be validated in {BuildDropPath}/_manifest      
    OutputPath (-o)          The path where the output json should be written.
    CatalogFilePath (-C)     This parameter is deprecated and will not be used, we will automatically detect the
                             catalog file using our standard directory structure.The path of signed catalog     
                             file that is used to verify the signature of the manifest json file.
    ValidateSignature (-s)   If set, will validate the manifest using the signed catalog file.
    IgnoreMissing (-im)      If set, will not fail validation on the files presented in Manifest but missing on 
                             the disk.
    RootPathFilter (-r)      If you're downloading only a part of the drop using the '-r' or 'root' parameter in
                             the drop client, specify the same string value here in order to skip validating    
                             paths that are not downloaded.
    HashAlgorithm (-Ha)      The Hash algorithm to use while verifying or generating the hash value of a file   
    Verbosity (-V)           Display this amount of detail in the logging output.
    Parallelism (-P)         The number of parallel threads to use for the workflows.
    ConfigFilePath (-Co)     The json file that contains the configuration for the DropValidator.
    TelemetryFilePath (-t)   Specify a file where we should write detailed telemetry for the workflow.
    FollowSymlinks (-F)      If set to false, we will not follow symlinks while traversing the build drop       
                             folder. Default is set to 'true'.
    ManifestInfo (-mi)       A list of the name and version of the manifest format that we are using.

Generate - Generate a SBOM for all the files in the given build drop folder, and the packages in the components path.

Usage - Microsoft.Sbom.Tool Generate -options

Generate Options
Option                                    Description
BuildDropPath (-b)                        The root folder of the drop directory for which the manifest file will be
BuildComponentPath (-bc)                  The folder containing the build components and packages.
BuildListFile (-bl)                       The file path to a file containing a list of files one file per line for
                                          which the manifest file will be generated. Only files listed in the file
                                          will be inlcuded in the generated manifest.
ManifestDirPath (-m)                      The path of the directory where the generated manifest files will be
                                          placed. If this parameter is not specified, the files will be placed in
                                          {BuildDropPath}/_manifest directory.
PackageName (-pn)                         The name of the package this SBOM represents. If this is not provided, we
                                          will try to infer this name from the build that generated this package,
                                          if that also fails, the SBOM generation fails.
PackageVersion (-pv)                      The version of the package this SBOM represents. If this is not provided,
                                          we will try to infer the version from the build that generated this
                                          package, if that also fails, the SBOM generation fails.
PackageSupplier (-ps)                     Supplier of the package that this SBOM represents.
DockerImagesToScan (-di)                  Comma separated list of docker image names or hashes to be scanned for
                                          packages, ex: ubuntu:16.04, 56bab49eef2ef07505f6a1b0d5bd3a601dfc3c76ad4460
AdditionalComponentDetectorArgs (-cd)     Additional set of arguments for Component Detector.  An appropriate usage
                                          of this would be a space-delimited list of `--key value` pairs,
                                          respresenting command-line switches.
ExternalDocumentReferenceListFile (-er)   The path to a file containing a list of external SBOMs that will be
                                          included as external document reference in the output SBOM. SPDX 2.2 is
                                          the only supported format for now.
NamespaceUriUniquePart (-nsu)             A unique valid URI part that will be appended to the SPDX SBOM namespace
                                          URI. This value should be globally unique.
NamespaceUriBase (-nsb)                   The base path of the SBOM namespace URI.
GenerationTimestamp (-gt)                 A timestamp in the format 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ' that will be used as the
                                          generated timestamp for the SBOM.
DeleteManifestDirIfPresent (-D)           If set to true, we will delete any previous manifest directories that are
                                          already present in the ManifestDirPath without asking the user for
                                          confirmation. The new manifest directory will then be created at this
                                          location and the generated SBOM will be stored there.
Verbosity (-V)                            Display this amount of detail in the logging output.
Parallelism (-P)                          The number of parallel threads to use for the workflows.
ConfigFilePath (-C)                       The json file that contains the configuration for the DropValidator.
TelemetryFilePath (-t)                    Specify a file where we should write detailed telemetry for the workflow.
FollowSymlinks (-F)                       If set to false, we will not follow symlinks while traversing the build
                                          drop folder. Default is set to 'true'.
ManifestInfo (-mi)                        A list of the name and version of the manifest format that we are using.