- 🔭 I’m currently working on Databases, File Systems and Complier wizardry
- 💬 Ask me about Databases, File Systems and Complier wizardry
- ⚡ Authored - A Distributed In-mem DB(proprietary) & some wasm stuff
#include <map>
namespace 🔩 = std;
const 🔩::map <🔩::string, 🔩::string> skillset_rohan_verma {
"C++11/14/17" ,
"OOPs, STL, Boost, OpenMP , Concurrent Threads, POCO , Design Patterns, State Machines.
Catch2, bison++, flex, encryption-decryption algorithms."
"Containers, ZIO, Akka Streaming, Akka HTTP, Cats,Apache Spark, Kafka,
ANTLR-4, scala-test, junit, lagom"
"Express, Fastify, event-emmiters and WebSockets, Design patterns, mocha, typescript."
"Web Assembly" ,
"Emscripten transpiler, Cheerp, wasm"
"Postgresql, MySQL, SQL Server, Redis,
MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Elastic Search."
"DevOPS & Version control" ,
"Git, SVN, Mercurial Gitlab,GoCD, Jenkins, KVM hypervisor, AWS EC2, AWS"