This repository contains the challenge for back-end engineers.
Note: Please don't fork this repository, or create a pull request against it. Otherwise other applicants may take inspiration from it. Once the coding challenge is completed, you can submit it via this Google form.
Create the project in a dedicated repository with meaningful commit messages. Use Node.js and any framework, if you want to use one.
Implement a RESTful API to CRUD a Security Scan Result (“Result”). The Result entity should have the following properties:
- Id: any type of unique id
- Status: "Queued" | "In Progress" | "Success" | "Failure"
- RepositoryName: string
- Findings: JSONB, see example
- QueuedAt: timestamp
- ScanningAt: timestamp
- FinishedAt: timestamp
The Result entity should be stored in a database (of your choice). Wherever you’d have to add something that you feel requires product subscriptions or significant extra time, just mention it in your documentation.
What we want to see:
- Proper Documentation: Describe what the project is doing, what has been used, how to configure it, how to start it, test it etc.
- Project Structure: Clear organization and structure of folders, code and functionality.
- Clean Code: Code Consistency, use of linters, formatting, error handling, simple and performant solution to the challenge.
- Stack Knowledge: Proper use of node.js, any used frameworks and their latest features.
- Implementation: The implementation has to work according to the specs.
- Unit Tests: Covering the core functionality with unit tests.
Bonus points for:
- SQL schema: Using a relational database that has a proper schema
- API documentation: Using e.g OpenApi specs
Things you don’t have to worry about:
- CI configuration / Deployment
- Authentication / Authorization / Auditing