- UK
- https://rossjrw.com
rossjrw Public
The Royal Game of Ur, asynchronous and massively-multiplayer — all you need is a Github account.
pr-preview-action Public
GitHub Action that deploys a pull request preview to GitHub Pages, similar to Vercel and Netlify, and cleans up after itself.
Factorio mod that adds a list of train stops sorted so that rich text icons are in the same order as your inventory.
Lua MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2023 -
series-replace Public
Make a series of regex find-and-replacements.
tars Public archive
IRC chat and search bot for the SCP Wiki
convomap Public
WIP · Opinionated tool for creating deterministic conversation-driven multiple-choice stories
Vue MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2021 -
gallifreyo Public
WIP · Gallifreyan translator
indentpython.vim Public archive
Forked from vim-scripts/indentpython.vimAn alternative indentation script for python
Vim Script UpdatedAug 25, 2020 -
python-syntax Public archive
Forked from vim-python/python-syntaxPython syntax highlighting for Vim
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedAug 24, 2020 -
pyaib Public archive
Forked from facebookarchive/pyaibAn easy to use Python Framework (that uses gevent) for writing IRC Bots.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 14, 2020 -
vim-px-to-rem Public archive
Forked from chiedo/vim-px-to-emConvert px to rem. Makes font-size unit conversion for your CSS stylesheets easy.
Vim Script UpdatedJun 2, 2019 -
base16-vim Public archive
Forked from chriskempson/base16-vimBase16 for Vim
Vim Script Other UpdatedFeb 22, 2019 -
text-gradient Public archive
Tool for making text gradients
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2018