I am a long time web developer, lifelong learner, and a part time philosopher
- ๐ฌ I am strongest in JavaScript, React, Ruby + Rails, for Web Applications
- ๐ฑ Iโm currently learning php
- ๐ซ How to reach me: linkedin
Check out my Space Travel agency website :)
A project I'm working on: Phamily Photos it is a photo album for families, written in Go.
A recent project I'm especially proud of is ado-pr-dashboard. I was able to try out Bun's sqlite adapter and made a nice back end Typescript application for viewing pull request data for Azure DevOps. Bun and Sqlite is a nice and easy way to render some data on the browser. I even managed to get some htmx in there. The end product is a nice interactive data table that makes ajax requests with zero client-side JavaScript, except for the htmx library itself. It might be useful for keeping a developer team accountable so everyone does their fair share of code reviews.
There and back again was a stats.nz contest for visualizing workplace commuter data. The data came from a survey of where people live, where they commute to for work, and what mode of transport they use to get there. I won honorable mention for my submission, where I was credited for the creativity of the visualization. It is a static React app hosted on Github pages. It uses MapBox and an accompanying parallel axis chart to render the data, which was copy/pasted into Github Gists after some preliminary analysis on QGIS. You can see the project here.