cognitive-load Public
Forked from zakirullin/cognitive-load🧠 Cognitive Load is what matters
skeleton-packer Public
Forked from cisagov/skeleton-packerA skeleton project for quickly getting a new cisagov packer project started.
packer-plugin-s3 Public
Forked from spacechunks/packer-plugin-s3HashiCorp Packer plugin providing a provisioner for S3 file retrival
infra Public
Forked from freeCodeCamp/infra> freeCodeCamp.org's infrastructure-as-code
DevOps-Bash-tools Public
Forked from HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3,…
debian-dev-machine-setup Public
Forked from fazlearefin/debian-dev-machine-setupConfigure your Debian 12 Bookworm as a development workstation for DevOps or DevSecOps work
bootc Public
Forked from bootc-dev/bootcBoot and upgrade via container images
ubuntu-dev-machine-setup Public
Forked from fazlearefin/ubuntu-dev-machine-setupConfigure your Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 Desktop as a development workstation for DevOps or DevSecOps
ansible-content-capture Public
Forked from ansible/ansible-content-captureAnsible Content Caputre is a tool for scanning Ansible contents and generating parsed object data. Topics Resources
inkdrop-visualizer Public
Forked from inkdrop-org/inkdrop-visualizerVisualizes your Terraform
dots Public
Forked from Addvilz/dotsCompletely automated desktop setup, configuration and maintenance using Ansible
RepoRecon Public
Forked from devbisme/RepoReconGather and display information on Github repositories that match a given topic.
Please-Contain-Yourself Public
Forked from dylanlrrb/Please-Contain-YourselfA Docker tutorial written for people who don't actually know Docker already.
ndiag Public
Forked from k1LoW/ndiagndiag is a high-level architecture diagramming/documentation tool.
HashiCorp-Packer-in-Production Public
Forked from PacktPublishing/HashiCorp-Packer-in-ProductionHashiCorp Packer in Production, Published by Packt
bginfo4linux Public
Forked from ccervini/bginfo4linuxLike SystInternals' bginfo but for Linux
punk Public
Forked from jasonwalsh/punkPunk is a GUI for generating HashiCorp Packer templates
ezprompt Public
Forked from jmatth/ezpromptAn easy to use webapp for creating simple bash prompts.
scripts-libraries Public
Forked from Altium-Designer-addons/scripts-librariesEasy 1 zip/script download at the linked Google Drive
zcm Public
Forked from ZeroCM/zcmZero Communications and Marshalling
solarized Public
Forked from altercation/solarizedprecision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
stlm Public
Forked from csete/stlmCopenhagen Suborbitals Sapphire telemetry system
VideoRouterTouchScreen Public
programmed to control grass valley 64 x 64 video router through factory telnet interface
pianobar Public
Forked from PromyLOPh/pianobarConsole-based pandora.com player
Tardis-Light Public
Tardis night light that automaticly senses lighting conditions and glows on and off in the dark. Uses sleep functions for extremely long battery life