Hyperactiv is a super small (~ 1kb minzipped) library which observes object mutations and computes functions depending on those changes.
In other terms whenever a property from an observed object is mutated, every function that depend on this property are called right away.
Of course, Hyperactiv automatically handles these dependencies so you never have to explicitly declare anything. ✨
compared to the original, this fork adds
- code to handle getters, setters and
- the capability of observing an object independent of specific keys
To observe an object in general, simply
it as usual and define acomputed
function for the exported symbolmodifiedProperty
import { observe, computed, modifiedProperty } from 'hyperactiv'
const observedVariable = observe({})
computed(() => console.log('modified property was',observedVariable[modifiedProperty]))
function will now be called whenever any property ofobservedVariable
is modified - andobservedVariable[modifiedProperty]
will contain the key of the modified property
import hyperactiv from 'hyperactiv'
const { observe, computed } = hyperactiv
// This object is observed.
const observed = observe({
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 0
// Calling computed(...) runs the function and memorize its dependencies.
// Here, the function depends on properties 'a' and 'b'.
computed(() => {
const { a, b } = observed
console.log(`a + b = ${a + b}`)
// Prints: a + b = 3
// Whenever properties 'a' or 'b' are mutated…
observed.a = 2
// The function will automagically be called.
// Prints: a + b = 4
observed.b = 3
// Prints: a + b = 5
observed.c = 1
// Nothing depends on 'c', so nothing will happen.
npm i hyperactiv
<script src="https://unpkg.com/hyperactiv"></script>
Hyperactiv is bundled as an UMD package.
// ESModules
import hyperactiv from 'hyperactiv'
// Commonjs
const hyperactiv = require('hyperactiv')
// Global variable
const { computed, observe, dispose } = hyperactiv
const object = observe({ one: 1, two: 2 })
const array = observe([ 3, 4, 5 ])
let sum = 0
// This function calculates the sum of all elements,
// which is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 at this point.
const calculateSum = computed(() => {
sum = [
].reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr)
// A computed function is called when declared.
console.log(sum) // -> 15
// calculateSum will be called each time one of its dependencies has changed.
object.one = 2
console.log(sum) // -> 16
console.log(sum) // -> 17
console.log(sum) // -> 18
console.log(sum) // -> 17
// Observed objects store computed function references in a Set,
// which prevents garbage collection as long as the object lives.
// Calling dispose allows the function to be garbage collected.
A simple but clever react store.
A reactive http cache.
Utility callbacks triggered when a property is mutated.
An Observable class.
Hyperactiv websocket implementation.
This repository includes a benchmark folder which pits hyperactiv
against other libraries.
Important: the benchmarked libraries are not equivalent in terms of features, flexibility and developer friendliness.
While not the best in terms of raw performance hyperactiv
is still reasonably fast and I encourage you to have a look at the different implementations to compare the library APIs. For instance there is no .get()
and .set()
wrappers when using hyperactiv
Here are the raw results: (100 runs per tiers, average time ignoring the 10 best & 10 worst runs)
Each tier nests observable objects X (10/100/500/1000…) times and performs some computations on the deepest one. This causes reactions to propagate to the whole observable tree.
Disclaimer: I adapted the code from maverickjs
which was itself a rewrite of the benchmark from cellx
. I also wrote some MobX code which might not be the best in terms of optimization since I am not very familiar with the API.
// Observe an object and its properties.
const obj = observe({
a: 1,
b: 2,
sum: 0,
counter: 0
// The computed function auto-runs by default.
computed(() => {
// This function depends on a, b and counter.
obj.sum = obj.a + obj.b
// It also sets the value of counter, which is circular (get & set).
// The function gets executed when computed() is called…
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 3
console.log(obj.counter) // -> 1
obj.a = 2
// …and when a or b are mutated.
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 4
console.log(obj.counter) // -> 2
obj.b = 3
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 5
console.log(obj.counter) // -> 3
const obj = observe({
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
d: 4,
totalSum: 0
const aPlusB = () => {
return obj.a + obj.b
const cPlusD = () => {
return obj.c + obj.d
// Depends on a, b, c and d.
computed(() => {
obj.totalSum = aPlusB() + cPlusD()
console.log(obj.totalSum) // -> 10
obj.a = 2
console.log(obj.totalSum) // -> 11
obj.d = 5
console.log(obj.totalSum) // -> 12
const obj = observe({
a: 0,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: 0
computed(() => { obj.b = obj.a * 2 })
computed(() => { obj.c = obj.b * 2 })
computed(() => { obj.d = obj.c * 2 })
obj.a = 10
console.log(obj.d) // -> 80
// Promisified setTimeout.
const delay = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))
const obj = observe({ a: 0, b: 0, c: 0 })
const multiply = () => {
obj.c = obj.a * obj.b
const delayedMultiply = computed(
// When dealing with asynchronous functions
// wrapping with computeAsync is essential to monitor dependencies.
({ computeAsync }) =>
delay(100).then(() =>
{ autoRun: false }
delayedMultiply().then(() => {
console.log(obj.b) // -> 0
obj.a = 2
obj.b = 2
console.log(obj.c) // -> 0
return delay(200)
}).then(() => {
console.log(obj.c) // -> 4
// Promisified setTimeout.
const delay = time => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))
// Enable batch mode.
const array = observe([0, 0, 0], { batch: true })
let sum = 0
let triggerCount = 0
const doSum = computed(() => {
sum = array.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr)
console.log(sum) // -> 0
// Even if we are mutating 3 properties, doSum will only be called once asynchronously.
array[0] = 1
array[1] = 2
array[2] = 3
console.log(sum) // -> 0
delay(10).then(() => {
console.log(`doSum triggered ${triggerCount} time(s).`) // -> doSum triggered 2 time(s).
console.log(sum) // -> 6
const object = {
a: 0,
b: 0,
sum: 0
// Use props to observe only some properties
// observeA reacts only when mutating 'a'.
const observeA = observe(object, { props: ['a'] })
// Use ignore to ignore some properties
// observeB reacts only when mutating 'b'.
const observeB = observe(object, { ignore: ['a', 'sum'] })
const doSum = computed(function() {
observeA.sum = observeA.a + observeB.b
// Triggers doSum.
observeA.a = 2
console.log(object.sum) // -> 2
// Does not trigger doSum.
observeA.b = 1
observeB.a = 1
console.log(object.sum) // -> 2
// Triggers doSum.
observeB.b = 2
console.log(object.sum) // -> 3
let obj = new SomeClass()
obj = observe(obj, { bind: true })
// observe sees all!
class MyClass {
constructor() {
this.a = 1
this.b = 2
const _this = observe(this)
// Bind computed functions to the observed instance.
this.doSum = computed(this.doSum.bind(_this))
// Return an observed instance.
return _this
doSum() {
this.sum = this.a + this.b
const obj = new MyClass()
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 3
obj.a = 2
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 4
const obj = observe({
a: 1,
b: 2,
doSum: function() {
this.sum = this.a + this.b
}, {
// Use the bind flag to bind doSum to the observed object.
bind: true
obj.doSum = computed(obj.doSum)
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 3
obj.a = 2
console.log(obj.sum) // -> 4
Observes an object or an array and returns a proxified version which reacts on mutations.
observe(Object | Array, {
props: String[],
ignore: String[],
batch: boolean,
deep: boolean = true,
bind: boolean
}) => Proxy
props: String[]
Observe only the properties listed.
ignore: String[]
Ignore the properties listed.
batch: boolean | int
Batch computed properties calls, wrapping them in a setTimeout and executing them in a new context and preventing excessive calls. If batch is an integer greater than zero, the calls will be debounced by the value in milliseconds.
deep: boolean
Recursively observe nested objects and when setting new properties.
bind: boolean
Automatically bind methods to the observed object.
Wraps a function and captures observed properties which are accessed during the function execution. When those properties are mutated, the function is called to reflect the changes.
computed(fun: Function, {
autoRun: boolean,
callback: Function
}) => Proxy
autoRun: boolean
If false, will not run the function argument when calling computed(function)
The computed function must be called at least once to calculate its dependencies.
callback: Function
Specify a callback that will be re-runned each time a dependency changes instead of the computed function.
Will remove the computed function from the reactive Maps (the next time an bound observer property is called) allowing garbage collection.
dispose(Function) => void
Only when observables are created with the {batch: …}
Will perform accumulated b.ed computations instantly.
const obj = observe({ a: 0, b: 0 }, { batch: true })
computed(() => obj.a = obj.b)
console.log(obj.a) // => 0
console.log(obj.a) // => 2