update to version 0.6.5 in examples and README
update to version 0.6.5 in examples and README
update to version 0.6.5 in examples and README
update to version 0.6.5 in examples and README
README: update GitHub Workflow Status badge URLs
README: update GitHub Workflow Status badge URLs
README: update GitHub Workflow Status badge URLs
README: update GitHub Workflow Status badge URLs
README: update for the "2nd Docker Apocalypse"
README: update for the "2nd Docker Apocalypse"
gha: test: add environment variables to disable Docker build summary …
gha: test: add environment variables to disable Docker build summary …
gha: test: add full test with pull via extraImageToPull; add …
gha: test: add full test with pull via extraImageToPull; add …
gha: test: update GHA output code for IP address and add error/warnin…
gha: test: update GHA output code for IP address and add error/warnin…
gha: test: rename workflow from 'test' to 'Sanity Check'
gha: test: rename workflow from 'test' to 'Sanity Check'
gha: test: redirect docker logs to files using &> for both stdout & s…
gha: test: redirect docker logs to files using &> for both stdout & s…
gha: test: enhance matrix configuration and add JSON logging; add tes…
gha: test: enhance matrix configuration and add JSON logging; add tes…
gha: test: make it a matrix, test amd64/arm64, show inline colorized …
gha: test: make it a matrix, test amd64/arm64, show inline colorized …
gha: test: foreground: no need for portfwds or bind mounts for first-…
gha: test: foreground: no need for portfwds or bind mounts for first-…
gha: test: sleep after foreground test so Docker can cleanup; let it …
gha: test: sleep after foreground test so Docker can cleanup; let it …
gha: test: no-name and non-terminal-interactive for foreground test
gha: test: no-name and non-terminal-interactive for foreground test
gha: test: no-name and terminal interactive for foreground test
gha: test: no-name and terminal interactive for foreground test
gha: test: timeout with kill and verbosely for foreground test
gha: test: timeout with kill and verbosely for foreground test
entrypoint: show the final /etc/nginx/resolvers.conf before starting
entrypoint: show the final /etc/nginx/resolvers.conf before starting
Fix: default DISABLE_IPV6 to false to avoid " line 36: …
Fix: default DISABLE_IPV6 to false to avoid " line 36: …
gha: master-latest: ignore changes to other GHA workflows
gha: master-latest: ignore changes to other GHA workflows
hide progress bar of curl
hide progress bar of curl
Pull request merge