Tags: rpardini/docker-registry-proxy
Toggle 0.6.5's commit message
update to version 0.6.5 in examples and README
Toggle 0.6.4's commit message
try to build & run on podman via one more hack to resolv.conf parsing
- why the hell does nginx need a resolver config, again?
Toggle 0.6.3's commit message
trying to make ipv6 actually work
Toggle 0.6.2's commit message
DRP-70: add timeoutes as ENVs, update README.md, update nginx config (#…
…73 )
Authored-by: Bulent <bt.sezer29@gmail.com>
Toggle 0.6.1's commit message
release 0.6.1 -- with no breaking changes, hopefully
Toggle 0.6.0's commit message
release 0.6.0 with ENABLE_MANIFEST_CACHE
Toggle 0.5.0's commit message
release 0.5.0; update README to point to ghcr.io as well as DockerHub
Toggle 0.4.2's commit message
release 0.4.2; -debug version fixed, 429 ratelimit tolerance, 0s caching
Toggle 0.4.1's commit message
0.4.1 release, since I borked 0.4.0
Toggle 0.4.0's commit message
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