A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
Linux kernel vendor specific hardware reset module for sequences that are too complex/complicated to land in pci_quirks.c
EDK2 UEFI firmware for Rockchip RK3588 platforms
Customized version of the Linux kernel maintained by Armbian team to support Rockchip SoCs (System on Chips) used in ARM-based devices
Tools for using PIV tokens (like Yubikeys) as an SSH agent, for encrypting data at rest, and more
lanconnected / EnhanceIO
Forked from stec-inc/EnhanceIOEnhanceIO Open Source for Linux
[DEPRECATED] Linux kernel source with OnePlus 5 (cheeseburger) / 5T (dumpling) mainlining efforts
superna9999 / linux
Forked from torvalds/linux@superna9999's Linux kernel source fork for upstream development
OnePlus 5 kernel source with linux-stable merged in
FD628 and similar compatible LED controller driver for linux
chewitt / u-boot
Forked from u-boot/u-bootU-Boot Source Tree -- WARNING I REBASE MY BRANCHES!
Fork of intel_gpu_top with Prometheus exporter