A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages
Process hexagonally sampled data with PyTorch
pzaidins2 / IPyHOPPER
Forked from YashBansod/IPyHOPRe-entrant Iterative PyHOP (Python Hierarchical Ordered Planner) written in Python 3.
Matplotlib style sheets to nicely format figures for scientific papers, thesis and presentations while keeping them fully editable in Adobe Illustrator.
LokeshBolisetty / pyDcop
Forked from Orange-OpenSource/pyDcopLibrary for research on Distributed Constraints Optimization Problems
A Local Search Based Approach to Solve Continuous DCOPs (AAMAS 2021)
The shanty emacs theme is meant for us, you and me - the workers - who may not get dirty hands very often but love to code and tinker while looking at a screen full of pleasant colors.
🌐 Wikipedia for Web APIs. Directory of REST API definitions in OpenAPI 2.0/3.x format