- Dobczyce, Poland
mina-puma Public
Forked from untitledkingdom/mina-pumaPuma tasks for Mina
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2025 -
postgresql-performance-for-rubyists Public
Forked from timescale/postgresql-performance-for-rubyistsPostgresql Performance Workshop for Rubyists
Ruby UpdatedFeb 24, 2025 -
camaleon-cms Public
Forked from owen2345/camaleon-cmsCamaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails
Ruby MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2025 -
wisper-sidekiq7 Public
Forked from Profinda/wisper-sidekiqAsynchronous event publishing for Wisper using Sidekiq
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2024 -
sotadata-l10n Public
Forked from summitsontheair/sotadata-l10nLocalisation files for SOTAData website
UpdatedFeb 19, 2024 -
babosa Public
Forked from norman/babosaA library for creating slugs. Babosa is an extraction and improvement of the string code from FriendlyId, intended to help developers create similar libraries or plugins.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2021 -
sotawatch3-l10n Public
Forked from summitsontheair/sotawatch3-l10nLocalisation files for SOTAWatch3
UpdatedNov 28, 2020 -
shack_kit Public
Collection of HAM radio utilities packaged as Ruby gem, by SQ9OZM. Focusing on SOTA and SP for now.
rubymap Public
Forked from lewispb/rubymapFind out what's going on in your local Ruby community
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2019 -
long-haul Public
Forked from brianmaierjr/long-haulA minimal, type-focused Jekyll theme.
CSS MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2019 -
Halve Public
Forked from TolgaTatli/HalveStylish Two-Column Jekyll Theme
CSS MIT License UpdatedNov 6, 2018 -
Command-line-text-processing Public
Forked from learnbyexample/Command-line-text-processing⚡ From finding text to search and replace, from sorting to beautifying text and more 🎨
freelancer-theme Public
Forked from jeromelachaud/freelancer-themeJekyll theme based on Freelancer Start Bootstrap theme
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 7, 2017 -
activeadmin Public
Forked from activeadmin/activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2016 -
activeadmin-globalize Public
Forked from unmantained-activeadmin-plugins/activeadmin-globalizeRuby MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2014 -
jekyll-gist Public
Forked from jekyll-gist/jekyll-gistUsing jekyll with github gists (http://redningja.com/dev_blog/piggyback-github-gists-for-dev-blogging)
UpdatedApr 2, 2013 -
capistrano-ext-rvm-unicorn Public
Forked from doubledrones/capistrano-ext-rvm-unicornCapistrano recipes to support unicorn server installed on RVM.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2012 -
sprinkle-stack Public
Forked from grimen/sprinkle-stackA sweet Rails stack - using Sprinkle. Fork for Twinkle project
ror_ecommerce Public
Forked from drhenner/ror_ecommerceComplete Ruby on Rails Ecommerce platform
rails-deployment-setups-sprinkle Public
Forked from karmi/rails-deployment-setups-sprinkleCollection of recipes for various Ruby On Rails deployment setups
html5media Public
Forked from etianen/html5mediaEnables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers.
fixture_sets Public
The Rails Fixture Sets plugin (not my code, I only put it here on GitHub). It's as it was in 2006 when I used it with an Rails 1.3.x app.
arq_restore Public
Forked from arqbackup/arq_restorecommand-line utility for restoring from Arq backups
radiant-pl Public
Forked from kbingman/radiantRadiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. This is a fork of 0.8.0 RC1 i18n branch by kbingman created for the purpose of adding Polish translation to Ra…