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File metadata and controls

76 lines (63 loc) · 6.32 KB

Version 0.0.5

  • get version const from tools package

Changes from Dataforged Legacy

Breaking changes


  • object properties are now snake_case (lower cased separated by underscores) rather than inconsistently applied title case with spaces
    • important: this is very serious breaking change. in fact it will break pretty much everything!
    • also note: ID maps (e.g. hash objects) and/or functions will be provided to make the conversion easier
    • 1.5.0 will remain available, of course, so you can make the migration in your own time (or never, if you decide it's not worth it)
    • but why do this at all?
      • prose labels were nice for readability, but at this point it's more useful if it fits more neatly with one of the de facto standards for JSON schema (the other option being camelCase). in other words - many languages expect JSON data in this shape anyways, so they're generally equipped to handle snake_case keys (or someone has written a handy library to do so)
      • snake_case also has the advantage of lining up with the changes to IDs, below
      • coinciding with other breaking changes means folks only have to make the migration once. so while it'll be something of a chore now, i reckon this is the least crappy time to do it
  • significant changes to composition of $ids
    • IDs are now lower case with underscores, to make them friendly to as many environments as possible
    • asset abilities follow he same principle as e.g. oracle tables, and don't bother to note their most important child element's prop name (abilities for assets, table rows for oracle tables)
      • example: starforged/assets/companion/sidekick/abilities/1 has become starforged/assets/companion/sidekick/1
  • a new constant, LEGACY_ID_MAP, is now exported for use with Dataforged. it's a plain object, where the keys are the current ID and the values are the corresponding legacy ID.
    • currently, this is a quick-and-dirty implementation, but my plan is to include most or all IDs at release to make conversion as painless as possible
  • major restructuring of internal and external interface/class names and their organization
    • public interfaces (the bulk of dataforged's API) are no longer prefixed with "I". example: IEncounter is now Encounter
    • internal builder classes are now suffixed with "Builder"
    • internal interfaces for generating YAML schemas are now prefixed with Yaml
  • many arrays of named objects (including oracles, moves, assets, etc) are now instead represented with keyed objects
  • Name key removed (as it was trying to do too many jobs). in its place is title, an object which provides the proeprties canonical, standard, and short version of the item's title. items which can't rightly be said to have a title of their own, like asset inputs, receive label (a string) instead.

Assets and Moves

  • "Health" on companion assets is now labelled "companion health"
  • "Integrity" on vehicle cards is now labelled "vehicle integrity"
  • internal references to stats (as opposed to localizable user-facing labels) and the like are now snake_case rather than title case. all of these are reflected in the relevant enums, so if you're already using those, the changeover should be relatively painless
    • examples:
      • Shadow is now shadow (enum: Stat)
      • Health is now health (enum: PlayerConditionMeter)
      • Journey Progress is now journey_progress
  • names are now provided for Ironsworn ritual moves (so their IDs may have changed)
  • the URLs provided by image and icons are now relative to the root directory rather than pretending that the relative url is somehow useful ;) they're also lower cased, both to match with the new $ids and to be a little more predictable for use on the web
    • old: ../../img/vector/Oracles/Creature/Environment/Space.svg
    • new: icon/oracles/creature/environment/space.svg


  • complete overhaul of oracle table display data -- see OracleSet.display.columns and OracleTable.display.columns
  • roll templates (type RowTemplate) now demarcate strings to be replaced with {{oracle_id}} rather than ${{Oracle_Id}}. Admittedly, this is a bit arbitrary, and is mainly so that internal JSON template replacement when Dataforged builds from YAML uses a replacement demarcation distinct from roll templates. example:
    • old: "${{Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Affiliation}} of the ${{Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Legacy}} ${{Starforged/Oracles/Factions/Identity}}"
    • new: "{{starforged/oracles/factions/affiliation}} of the {{starforged/oracles/factions/legacy}} {{starforged/oracles/factions/identity}}"
  • restructure of IOracle + IOracleCategory into OracleTable and OracleSet
    • "leaf" nodes (ones with a table property) key are now always OracleTable
    • "branch" nodes (ones that previously had Oracles or Categories) are now OracleSet
      • OracleSet.sets is a keyed object of any OracleSet children belonging to that set.
      • OracleSet.tables is a keyed object of any OracleTable children belonging to that oracle set.
    • to make this new scheme consistent, some oracle objects have been re-organized, and may have new IDs
  • for OracleSet and OracleTable, Category and Member of are now replaced by a single array called ancestors, which contains the string IDs of every OracleSet from which the item descends

Other API changes

  • Source now includes a license property, containing a URL pointing to the relevant license.
  • everything that has a localizable string descendent (direct or otherwise) now has an $id, putting us one step closer to extracting complete localization data
  • OracleBase (and its descendants, OracleSet and OracleTable) may now have summary in addition to description, consistent with some other objects in dataforgeds. summary is for providing a brief summary of the article (a couple sentences tops), while description includes more detailed information (often multiple paragraphs).


  • Fixed incorrect data in many MoveOutcomes (and asset AlterMoveOutcomes) due to a janky build script

New content


  • Sundered Isles preview of the Kraken asset

Ironsworn preview content

  • Ironlands region entries (with a lot of link annotation)
  • Ironlands encounter entries (ditto)
  • Ironlands setting truths
  • Delve site themes and domains