Basic API REST application to Create/Get/Delete users and posts using hexagonal architecture
$ brew install cookiecutter
$ sudo apt-get install -y cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter
You'll be prompted for some values. Provide them, then a Golang Hexagonal Architecture project will be created for you.
full_name [Ruben Espinosa]: Ruben Espinosa
email []:
app_name [myhexapp]: mynewapp
version [0.0.1]: 0.0.1
project_description [A Golang project using hexagonal architecture.]: My new Golang app
github_username [your_github_username]: "rubenesp87"
use_echo_api [y]: y
use_inmemory_storage [y]: y
use_ci_github_actions [y]: y
use_git [y]: y